Chapter 6: Surprises

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A/N: HELLOO PEOPLE!!! SEE, I UPDATED. I thought that given it was the holidays, I'd have more time to update. But apparently not! I hope you enjoy this. It was literally the scariest chapter to write so far! Ty ty. -Femke


I was woken up by Tom shaking me gently. "Love? It's time to get up and get ready for dinner" I opened my eyes and groaned. "Do I have to get up?" I asked. Tom nodded and pulled the covers off me. I felt him hook his hands under my arms and lift me up from the bed. I looked up at Tom and saw him looking suspiciously at my cast. "What?" I asked. "You have fudge on your cast". I lifted my arm up, and sure enough, my once bright green cast had a long brown smudge on it. If it were under any other circumstances, I would have licked it off, but I had recently consumed half my body weight in fudge, so I didn't need anymore. "Oh, well... Do you want some?" I asked, extending my arm in his direction. Tom screwed his face up. "Uh no, I'll pass" he shuddered. I shrugged "Your loss". Tom rolled his eyes and started to move towards the door. "Wait! Can you help me put on my moonboot?" I called, pointing to the moonboot that was propped up against the end of my bed. Tom turned around and motioned for me to sit on the bed. I pulled off my jeans and sat down in my underwear. The moonboot couldn't go over top of anything and I was planning to get changed into a dress so it made sense to take my trousers off. Tom lifted up my leg gently, so he didn't hurt it, and started to strap it on. I winced once or twice when he did the straps around the ankle, making him apologize profusely. Once he was finished, he stood up, ruffled my hair and left the room so I could get changed. I had picked out a strapless blue dress with crystals around the waistline. The front went up to my knees and the back draped down and ended near my ankles. It looked ridiculous on me, but it was literally the only thing I had. I tied my ridiculously long blonde hair into a bun and left my room.

 Benedict and Tom were waiting for me downstairs. They both had button-up shirts on, with dress pants and vans. Tom hadn't done anything to his hair, leaving his gingery-blonde curls a total mess. Benedict had managed to tame his curls a bit better than Tom. "You look amazing, little one" Benedict complemented me. "Little one?" I protested. "I'm 5'7". Only 3 inches shorter than you!" Benedict chuckled and ruffled my hair. He was about to say something, when Tom interrupted. "Enough arguing you two. We're going to be late!" We made our way into Tom's jaguar (which was a bit of squeeze for the three of us, cause his car isn't the biggest) and drove to the restaurant.

 It turns out that Tom had booked a table for the fanciest restaurant in London.  As we walked in the door, I could see waiters walking around in tuxedos, people reading off expensive wine lists and dishes of food that looked fit for royalty. I felt extremely out of place. I guess Tom sensed this, as he put a hand on my shoulder and guided Benedict and myself to our table. It was a nice little table, next to the window. It had a candle upon it and had 2 chairs opposite each other, and another chair off to the side. I figured that one was mine. We sat down and starting looking through our menus, or at least, I did. Tom and Benedict only had eyes for each other. Their hands were clasped under the table. It was ridiculous. I'm not sure at what point they stopped looking lovingly at each other, but once I had chosen what I wanted to eat, they had let go of each other's hands and were choosing their own meal. Well... Benedict was. Tom was texting someone on his phone. He had just put his phone away when I felt mine vibrate. I pulled it out and opened up the text.


Can you tell that I'm incredibly nervous?

I looked up from my phone and stared directly at Tom. His hands were shaking a bit and he had small beads of sweat around the collar of his shirt. I could also tell that his breathing pattern was a bit different.

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now