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When my co-stars came up to me at our break, I certainly didn't expect them to come up and smother me with hugs, let alone ask me to be their daughter. Mmmmmhm. They wanted to adopt me. " My God, you serious?" I asked, utterly and totally amazed by this request. Tom nodded energetically as Benedict got me in headlock and messed up my hair. "Oi, piss off" I muttered while furiously patting at my head in some fruitless attempt at making my hair look remotely presentable. " So, what do you think" Benedict chuckled as he viewed my antics with a fond smile on his face. 'Well... I mean... sure!" I said. "Really?" Tom squealed, before clearing his throat and trying again. " Of course. I've never had parents before. Could be fun,".  Both men pulled me into another bone-crush hug. "Jesus...... fuck. Guys, I can't breathe!" I croaked, struggling to release myself from the brutal punishment that was cuddles from the Hiddleston and Cumberbatch duo. "Ok, so we're gonna ditch filming so we can go and sign some papers and then talk to some more papers" Tom explained. "Hold it hold it hold it!" I said, holding my hands in the air. "What! What's wrong?" Benedict asked, looking worried. I turned to Tom. "Talk to some more papers? Do you normally strike up conversation with notebooks and the like?" I demanded, trying to keep a straight face. Tom blushed and gave me the finger. "I take that back. We're not going to adopt you after all" He retorted and stuck his tongue out at me. Wow. Mature Hiddleston. But, instead of killing him, I decided to break down in fake tears. "OHMYGOD OHMYGOD I'm so sorry darling. Don't cry. You will be our daughter, I swear" Tom apologized. He rushed over to me and cradled me in his arms, smooshing my face up against his chest. I changed my sobs into giggles and shot Benedict a look while Tom hugged me. He realized that I was fucking around with him and dropped his arms. "You're an utter twat, kid" he sulked. "Love you too" I sang as I skipped off to Benedict, grabbed his hand and started to drag him off to the car.

The car ride was full of Benedict and I teasing Thomas about the "papers". Turns out, he'd been talking about the newspapers and the tabloids. Both of them had agreed to tell the press about adopting me. Of course, they made this decision without consulting me, but I'm ok with that. I just really wanted to have parents for the first time in my life. My dad died 3 months before I was born in a car accident, and my mum died 1 minute before I was born. The doctors had to perform an emergency surgery to rescue me from my mother's corpse. Or so I was told. My uncle bought me up, but he was a dickwad and only cared about my cousins and not me. In some respects, I have a similar life story to Harry Potter, but my uncle kicked me out of his house when I was 9 instsead of 18. I turned into a 9-year-old hobo and lived in a cardboard box outside the theatre. And then one day, I saw an advertisment for auditions for Sherlock. They were looking for someone to play his daughter. I decided to audition, you know, for fun and what not. And I got the part, surpirisingly. Now, at 13 years old, I had bought a house that I lived in on my own, and had become famous almost literally overnight. And that's how I met Tom and Benedict. Anywho, enough of my depressing backstory. Life's too short for that sort of shit. Benedict and Tom damn near dragged me out of the car when we rolled up to the Adoption Agency. There was a whole lot of faffing around with the boys signing legal papers and me sleeping on the floor, curled up at Benedict's feet. In my defense, I hadn't had a good night's sleep since Thursday. That was 5 days ago. I didn't notice when everything was signed or when Benedict carefully lifted me into his arms and carried me to the car. Nor did I notice when Benedict laid me down on the backseat of the car, my head in his lap. I did, however, notice when Tom turned on the radio and "Livin' on a Prayer" by Jon Bon Jovi came on the radio. I immediately shot up; banging Benedict's chin in the process, and started to sing along. Tom snorted when he saw Benedict rubbing his chin. "That certainly woke you up, love" he chuckled. "I LOVE THIS SONG!" I whooped. "Really? I thought this was 'old'" Benedict said, using his fingers to create quotation marks. I shook my head as I continued to belt out the lyrics. I was neither in tune nor in time but I didn't care and I loved it.

In the end, after much debating, Tom and I decided to drive straight back to their place, while Benedict studiously reminded us that I had a job and I should be doing it, ect, ect, ect. I really couldn't be stuffed going back to set and get thrown around a room by Andrew Scott once again. "Now, you have to realize that Benedict and I had been thinking about adopting you for a while now, so we have a room ready and everything," Tom informed me. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. They had anticipated that I would say yes? "I mean, no offence, but we figured you wanted to have parents at some point in your life, or even someone who cared about you enough to let you live with them" Benedict said hastily, sending Tom a glare. I nodded slowly, my eyes beginning to water. My past was a touchy subject and the boys knew that full well. My voice cracked when I agreed with them and Benedict slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his warm embrace. I sniffled slightly and felt Benedict wipe a tear off my face with this thumb. "You don't need to cry now darling. We've got you now and we're never going to let you go. As of now, you are Femke Hiddleston-Cumberbatch".

Adopted by Tom Hiddleston and Benedict CumberbatchOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara