Chapter 5

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It only took about 3 minutes to get from the pizza place to Jo's cabin and by the time they got there they were both so hungry from the smell coming from the food they had quit talking so Jo could feed Harry while he was driving. They shared 2 slices before they got home.
Harry carried Jo into her house and put her onto the couch he then went into the kitchen grabbed himself a beer and her a water because of the medication she had to take and went back to the living room and sat down beside her. As soon as he sat down Jo grabbed the pizza box and placed it on both their laps, pick up a remote control turned on some music and without saying a word they both started eating like they hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Oh my God." Jo moaned. "Get that away from me." She said pushing the pizza box off her lap and onto Harry's.

Harry just laughed. "What? Why now, you little piglet? There's only one piece left."

"Yeah well, you ate more than I did, so if I'm a piglet then you're the full blow hog and you can have the last one." Jo laughed which turned into a moan. "Damn I haven't eaten that much in years."

"Maybe that explains why your so skinny." Harry teased her.

"I'll have you know I'm not skinny I'm small boned. There's a difference, thank you very much." Jo sassed.

"Oh is that what they call it now days." Harry chuckled. As he finished off the last piece of pizza and his beer. "I bet I could wrap both my hands around your waist and my fingers would touch." He challenged her.

"Bullshit, there's no way I'm that small, your hands are just that fucking big." She laughed.

"Okay." Harry said placing his hands around her waist proving his point. And he was right. His hands fit perfectly around her waist thumbs touching in the front, fingers touching in the back. Harry smirked down at her. "You were saying."

Jo smacked his arm and laughed. "Just as I said, my dear man, you are freakishly to fucking big."

At hearing that Harry threw his head back and started laughing. "You're a gem, you know that?" He said as he went to grab another beer. Neither of them thinking it odd he was making himself at home.

"Oh geeze, Harry. It's almost 1am. Why don't you just stay here tonight? I have plenty of room, 6 other rooms in fact. You can crash in one of them if you want then go to your place for fresh clothes tomorrow." Jo offered

"You sure you don't mind? I have extra clothes in my truck actually. I've slept on the couch at the bar plenty of nights when I've been to tired to drive home." Harry asked.

"Of course I don't mind." She says. "My room is that one over there." She said pointing to one of the closed doors. "There another room there and the rest are up those steps. Take your pick."

"I think I'll take the one down here, close to you in case you need me for anything. That way all you have to do is yell and I'll be able to hear you." Harry says.

"Okay, then if you don't mind I'm gonna head off to bed I'm beat and that pill I took is messing with me." She tell him.

"You want me to carry you again or you want to try and walk this time?" He asks.

"Let me try walking first. If that doesn't work you can do what you do best." Jo smiled at him feeling like she was on a 3 day drunk. She stands up and stops for a second but unfortunately the room doesn't. She reaches out for Harry to balance herself.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about that medication, we're you?" Harry looked at Jo a little worried. "Okay love, up you go, we don't need you falling over and getting hurt again."

Jo was really starting to feel bad. "Harry, I think I'm gonna be sick." She whispers hoping he heard her.

He did he rushes her to the bathroom in her room and sits her on the edge of the tub. It didnt take long and she was throwing up half of what she had eaten, Harry sat there the whole time holding her hair back for her and rubbing her back. When she was done he handed her some water and got her toothbrush ready for her.

"You okay?" Harry asks quietly.

"I think so." Jo nodded. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that."

"Hey, it's fine. Jo that's the reason I'm staying. I'm so glad I am now." Harry says still rubbing her back. "Come on, let's get you in bed, maybe a good night sleep is all you need and you'll feel good as new tomorrow." He picks her up and took her to her bedroom and places her on her bed. He turns and walks to her dresser.

"Second drawer." Jo told him knowing what he was going after.

Harry pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for her to change into. "Put these on and I'll be right back." He tells her. Harry leaves her to change while he runs out to his truck to grab the bag he leaves in there. Once back inside he locks up, throws on a pair of shorts and goes back to check on Jo. He finds her already laying down under the covers. "Scoot over." Harry tells her as he lifts the sheet.

"What? Why?" Jo asks looking at him with half closed eyes.

"Because, I want to be close in case you need me again. Now scoot." He said as he slid in beside her.

Jo just mumbles. "Whatever." Scoots over and get comfortable again and starts to drift off to sleep, but whispers. "Night, Harry."

Harry hears her and smiles. He kisses her cheek. "Night, Jo." He then get comfortable himself and goes to sleep.

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