Chapter 8

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Ryan looked at Harry and frowned. "Man, you really did fuck up didn't you." He said. "The age comment was bad enough, but Harry you lied to her. She hates that more than anything in this world." Ryan said shaking his head. "Hell I remember one dude coming in for work one day telling mom he missed the day before because he had car trouble. The problem was my mom had missed work herself cause she had a doctors appointment and saw him with his friends, in his car. She fired him for lying."

"It wasn't a total lie, I did go to the gym. I just cut my workout short to go to my mom's for our usual Sunday dinner. Damn this is a mess." Harry said running his fingers through his hair again.

Ryan stands up and walks toward the door. "Well you can buy me a beer and I'll try to think of something that will help fix this shit pile you're in."

"Deal." Harry said as they walked to the main bar area. Since it was Jess' day off Ronnie was behind the bar. "Hey Ronnie, want to grab me and Ryan here a beer."

"Sure." She said grabbing Harry's brand before asking the new guy what he wanted. "And for you?"

"The same is fine." Ryan says. Then turns to Harry. "You know mom was right, this place is amazing. A lot bigger than I thought it would be. Aren't you guys having some kind re-grand opening tomorrow, new name and all that?" He asks.

Ronnie places the beer in front of Ryan. "Wait did you say mom?"

"Yeah, I'm Ryan Weston. Jo's youngest son." He admits.

Ronnie's jaw literally drops open in shock, causing both him and Harry to start laughing. She just shakes her head. "Well you sure as hell didn't take after your mom."

Ryan chuckled. "Nope, and neither did Jamie my older brother."

Ronnie spins around. "What the fuck, there another one of you? Is he just as huge as you?"

Ryan throws his head back laughing. Even Harry had to admit the guy was good looking and he was as straight as they come and in love with the guys mom. "He's bigger than me, taller by an inch too. Not as tall as Harry here but even I wouldn't want to get on his bad side and I know all his weaknesses."

Just then the bar door is opened and Ryan looks up and says. "Oh fuck." He jumps up and stands in front of Harry just as Jamie reaches them.

Harry being as tall as he was could see over Ryan's head, hell he thought Ryan was joking when he said Jamie was bigger, he wasn't. Jamie's arms looked twice the size of Ryans and his was about the size of Harry's thighs.

"Jamie what the hell are you doing here?" Ryan asks putting one hand on his shoulder.

"I'm going to kill that fucker. Now move." Jamie snaps.

"Why?" Ryan asks. Harry, being smart, kept his mouth shut and stayed behind Ryan for now.

"Ryan you weren't there, you didn't see how mom looked when she got off the plane. When I saw the condition she was in I bought return tickets and made her come right back here. She looked worse than she did when dad died." Jamie yelled.

Ryan had to admit that comment worried him a bit. "Where is mom now?" Ryan asks.

"At home, her home. I wouldn't let her come here with me. I drove her truck, so unless she has another vehicle she's stuck until one of us goes there." Jamie says. "So now are you going to get the fuck out of my way so I can kick his ass, or am I going to have to move you."

"Neither. You're not touching him." Ryan says crossing his arms. Harry was shocked.

Everyone was so focused on the brothers and what was about to happen there, no one noticed when Jo walked in.

The Next StepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora