Chapter 9

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Due to the fact that Jamie and Ryan were in town visiting, both Jo and Harry decided it would be better if he went to his house for the night instead of hers like he usually did, but he would come over the next day and pick her up so her kids could drive her truck to the club for the re-grand opening.

That was how Harry found himself staring out the windshield of his truck that day at a scene he never in his life thought he would witness. Getting out he slowly closed the the door so no sound would be made and he watched in amazement as Jamie and Ryan stood across from each other. The fascinating part was Jo was currently balanced on Jamie's outstretched hands, she was literally standing on the palms of his hand. Harry didn't even realize he was holding his breath until Jo suddenly went flying through the air, and all the air left his lungs in one big whoosh when Ryan caught her, amazingly on her feet in the palms of his hands. What shocked Harry the most was the sound of Jo's laughter echoing across the yard. Harry didn't even realize he made a sound until he saw Ryan put his mom down and she started running in his dierction. It was then he noticed he was on his knees and had his hand on his chest.

"Harry, are you okay?" Jo asks as soon as she gets to his side.

Harry just looks at her in a daze. "You just scared the fuck out of me. And you're asking me if I'm okay? Hell no I'm not okay. What the hell do you think you doing?" Harry yelled not realizing how pissed he was til just then.

Jo was shocked, so shocked she fell back onto her ass, and just stared at a very pissed off Harry in front of her. "Harry it's fine. We do this kind of stuff all the time."

Harry jumps up to where he's now towering over the still sitting Jo. "No, no its not okay." He yells. "What if they had dropped you? Your an idiot for letting them do shit like this."

Jamie was about to step in but Ryan stopped him.

Jo jumped to her feet. She has never let anyone talk to her like that without giving a little back. "Now hang on just a second. Those are my kids your talking about and I trust them with my life, they have never dropped me ever. And you ever call me a idiot again I'll slap you so fucking hard your grandkids will feel it so just shut the fuck up."

For some reason, Harry found a pissed off ranting Jo amusing, he didn't know if it was because she was so tiny or beautiful. Harry crossed his arms and smiled. "So hard my grandkids will feel it. Never heard that one before, I'll have to stick that in my back pocket for later." He then leaned over and whispered something in Jo's ear that had her throwing her head back in laughter.

Ryan and Jamie just looked at each other and shrugged. "You guys about ready to go? We need to be there in 5 minutes." Harry asked them.

"Yeah, whenever you are." Jamie answers. "We were just goofing off til you got here. And Harry, if you think that was bad you should see mom when she really gets going."

Harry looked at the boys then Jo, and put his arm around her. "No thanks, that was enough. Anymore and I'll be dead." He deadpanned, causing Jo's boys to burst out laughing. Harry just opened the door to his truck so Jo could get in.

Harry and Jo noticed as they were parking that Greg was just getting done putting up the new sign. And it looked wonderful, but from what she could tell hers and Harry's matching trucks parked side by side was drawing just as much attention. Usual when they drove separately they tried not to park close to one another, but her son didn't know that.

Harry just shrugged. "You gotta admit they look pretty awesome sitting side by side like that."

Jo chuckled. "It would look even better if yours sat up as high as mine." She teased.

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