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I tossed and turned most of the night and was woken numerous times by messages from the unknown contact.

It was early in the morning, still dark when I was woken by the sound of light scratches on my window. Paranoid, I pulled the blanket over my head and played games on my mobile until my heart slowed down to its normal beat and I was able to sleep again.

I don’t know why I was so worked up, but I just had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, very soon.

I basically ran to work in the morning, looking over my shoulder every second step.  I had woken up to a message saying

 I know where you are.

I was beyond frightened; the worst thing about it was that I couldn’t think of anyone who would feel the need to be so strange toward me. It took almost all morning before I was able to work calmly without every noise making me jump out of my skin.

It was late in the afternoon and I was out the back doing stock take, the normal retune. The sliding doors opened and closed as he walked into the shop, I recognized the voice before I saw his face, the man that had just entered, I knew much better than I would have liked.

I walked around the corner to the counter to see the tall, tanned man standing at the bench waiting, he was rudely telling my co worker he didn’t want to be served by her. His dark brown eyes narrowed as he saw me and a devilish grin crossed his face. I knew he was here for trouble.

‘Kim, go do the shopping,’ I told my co worker and shooed her away with my hand. She nodded, collected a few dollars from the till and left the shop. Once the doors were closed and she was out of sight, I turned and looked at the tall broad man standing in front of me.

‘What do you want?’ I abruptly spat.

He laughed, resting his arm on the counter; he leaned down to my much shorter, eye sight.

‘Just thought I would come to say hi,’ His gruff voice made my blood run cold. I hated this man, hated him.

‘Well, I’m a bit too busy to play catch ups, so if you don’t mind.’ I turned on my heels and began to walk away.

‘Char,’ He roared, ‘don’t you dare turn your back on me!’ His fist slammed down on the bench top. It made me jump back around to face the man that was now locking the front door to the shop. ‘I’ve had enough of your disrespectful attitude, Char. I think it’s time we had a talk, don’t you?’

He was starting his mind games again. Instinctively I nodded, agreeing with him like I use to. I stood frozen as I watched his tall figure make its way around the side of the counter. Shortly after he stood towering over me, his eyes glared into mine, hate radiated from his body.

‘Now, I don’t know why you feel the need to treat me so rudely, I mean, I was nothing but good to you when you were living with me, so how about you show me a bit of fucking respect.’ He grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to meet his. They had turned black, he was very mad.

I flinched at the memory of what he was like when he was mad, I pulled my face away unable to look at him.  He let out an anger filled sigh and grabbed my arm. He dragged me to the back of the shop out of the windows sight and shoved me in a corner, so I couldn’t move. He did this every-time.

‘You were very rude to me weren’t you? Pretending to be so happy around me, when really, you were sad. You should of told me you were sad, but no. You went and you left me! Just like your whore of a mother.’ He was practically yelling. He raised his hand to my face; I flinched under his touch.

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