Fun Fun Murder Time

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We had been walking for almost five hours before any of the scouts found us. I wasn't all that surprised but it would have been nice to be found earlier.

I would have flown but carrying the others? I just couldn't. I was too drained to even walk properly.

Snake supported me the whole way, being stronger and more able than I. I think if I hadn't been leaning on him he just would have disappeared into the trees.

The girls hadn't made it. The hunters got them. A young boy and girl shouting about revenge or something. When I tried to explain they went ape shit on us. They cut me up with an angel blade, so deep I still haven't fully healed after almost a week. Snake got o light thanks to his thick skin and ability to blend in. The girls though...

I didn't want to go home. To have to recount that horrid scene to Andy. To Shadow. To Mikey.

The girls were massacred. Dead and hauntingly destroyed within minutes of the attack. The first to go was the dark one. Then the skinny one. Then the oldest. I knew their names, I know I did. But I blocked it out. They weren't people. Those hunters had seen to that.

Snake managed to drag me away when the boy and girl got distracted with mutilating the girls. I passed out very quickly.

When I came to we were where we had originally been headed. To the power. I was covered in plaster and other such things. Evident it was going to take a while.

Snake had crept into the room and whispered to me that it was a witch demon. A witch who had died and kept their powers as a demon or something like that. But most importantly they were running. An outcast.

When they walked in though I was frightened. Demons scared me at the best of times but this one? He gave off an aura of power and respect... And fear.

His eyes didn't ever seem to fade out from black and he was dressed like an emo moth or something. His hair was long and slightly like mine, covering his face but only enough to give him a mysterious feel.

He told me he had seen to my wounds but that it would take time to heal. He then asked if I could fold my wings.

After I told him what we were doing here and where we'd come from he agreed to go back with us. But only if I stayed under his care a few more days.

So I stayed, and Snake with me. Rested and relatively well we set off.

And that's how we came to this. Shadow and Andy finding us in the middle of the forest. Just as the second moon appeared.

Shadow was in wolf form and in no hurry to come out so she stayed by our sides as Gerard ran ahead and informed everyone of our return.

The witch demon (Richie he said his name was) stared at Shadow curiously.

"You know you could easily heal those wounds?" He asked kindly.

"She says they serve a reminder. No one touches them." Snake replied for her.

"May I asked how you acquired them? If I'm not being rude." Richie proposed.

"Hunters. Destroyed her. Killed her partner. Do not ask any more." Sonny said, remembering how she answered every new arrival that asked.

"Oh can you hear her too?" He actually looked interested which was odd.

"Umm no. That's her answer to every newcomer. She has never said anything else." I answered looking at my feet.

She wrapped her tail around my leg briefly, saying thanks, before moving ahead more.

She stopped, and I told the others to as well. We waited while she painfully shifted back to her human form. Black jeans and a red caged bra reforming on her body. She was barefoot as she walked.

Richie asked questions the rest of the way to the town. Genuinely interested to know how life worked. Shadow answered most but occasionally me or Snake would step in.

And then we reached the town.


Hello guys! Had a brain fart spat this out!

Just so you know I thought I'd explain what everyone looks like!

•Snake- is a character from the anime/manga Black Butler
•Tate and Emily - from American Horror Story (I think I can't remember)
•Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, CC, Jake - band Black Veil Brides (looking as they do in the Fallen Angels video)
•Sonny - young Skrillex
•Loki, Hella - Norse gods
Vali, Nari - twins (shown previously)
•Andy, Shaun, Bradie - short stack (Ladies and Gentleman video)
•Frank, Rey, Gerard, Mikey - My Chemical Romance (Revenge Era for G and F)(Black Parade Era for R and M)
•Joe, Andy, Pete, Patrick - Fall Out Boy (Save Rock and Roll era)
•Brendon, Ryan - Panic! At The Disco (Steam Punk)
•Sam, Dean, Cas - Supernatural (season 6? I dunno before they died inside)
•Richie - Social Repose (YouTuber)

And then the others can look however you want! ( I may draw Shadow if I remember.)

Anyhow! Bye bye

Insanityhound 💀

Don't Go Into The ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora