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"Well sorry but you can't have her!" Mikey said standing opposite Ashley.

The stupid kid, out of everyone there he was the least threatening and the least likely to do damage in a fight. For Lucifers sake he couldn't even shift yet! I felt like growling at him but resorted to discretely hitting him in the back of the legs with my tail.

"Who are you, what are you doing here? We weren't told of any other Hunters in this area." Dean said, taking control of the situation.

"I'm Meredith, this is Jay." The girl replied, eyeing Mikey up and down as if he was a piece of meat.

This cause her to get a very violent nip on the hand from me.

"WHAT THE HELL?! CONTROL YOUR PET!" She yelled jumping away from me.

"Well, you didn't answer his question." Sam said gesturing to his brother.

"Well yes I think she did actually. We're here because this bitch killed our parents." Jay said flicking his weapon at me. He was taller than the girl, with dark hair and a biker build.

"Your not blind are you? Can you see how hurt this creature was when your parents attacked her?" Castiel said in his odd way.

"YEAH! We lost someone to you know! She almost died!" Mikey yelled defiantly.

This time I did growl at him.

He stepped back slightly, giving me a wary look before quickly walking to stand behind his brother. I nodded.

"Our fathers came out here to kill a werewolf! Their bodies were found by police completely destroyed. Our mothers committed suicide because of it and left us alone!" The female yelled at no one in particular.

I growled and shifted back to human form, slowing down the process so that the time it took was the same that it had taken that night.

"You want to talk about loss?" I practically growled at her.

"Who's father was it that carried the net that caused these marks and scars and forced me to lay dying while they cornered my partner? The net that caused me to take so long to shift, trying my best not to scream in agony and stop partway though my shift, caused me to want to end it. The net that meant I was to late? That meant I lost the ability to even move for 3 months?" I whispered the words but that just made it even scarier. The two backed away slowly, their eyes showing fear.

"Who's father was it that laughed as he kicked my poor Jinxx over and over? Laughed as he heard bone breaking and saw blood spilling. Laughed as he watched Jinxx's life slipping away? Who's father was it that laughed even as Jinxx pleaded for mercy? And then, when the tables turned, pleaded himself?" I was walking forwards slowly. The forest had gone deathly quiet, as though it where holding its breath.

"Who's father was it that screamed and fought as I bit into his neck and ripped out his throat? Who's father was it that continued laughing even after I'd gutted him and laid his intestines around this clearing? That tasted so sweet? That made me wish I was a vampire or leviathan so I could devour him completely? That made me lose my love and my mind?" I stopped as I stared at them, daring them to say a word.

They looked at the others, trying to determine wether or not they would stop me from tearing them apart. I think they decided not when I finished my next sentence.

"Who were they... To think they could make me crave the taste of human blood so so much?"

Well then...

I actually have a playlist of only MCR and BVB songs I listen to when writing this you know.

Currently Sing is playing.

Soooo... Shal the insolent Hunters be killed by darling Shadow? Or shal someone save them?

Find out next time on Don't Go Into The Forrest!!!!

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