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I was awoken (rather rudely might I add) by Andy screaming in my ear something about Ashley and Mikey fighting.

"Fuck off Biersack." I mumbled rolling over.

"SHADOW GET UP MIKEY HASNT SHIFTED HE COULD GET SERIOUSLY HURT!!!" He yelled at me, now succeeding in waking me up.

I groaned and thought about it for a minute.

"You say Ashley and Mikey are fighting? Hmm..." I knew that if they were fighting it was likely that Mikey had started it... And that Ashley had just gone along wanting a fight after being denied one last night.

"I suppose I have to go break them up don't I? Why do I always have to do this... Why can't you or Gee handle it...?" I grumbled stretching and starting towards the door.

"Shadow? Andy? What's happened?" A very sleepy CC asked from the chair next to Jakes bed that he had clearly fallen asleep in.

"Nothing Coma, go lay in a bed and get some sleep." I told him as I walked past.

He listened to me, crawling into the nearest bed and falling asleep instantly... Said bed just happened to be Jakes.

I was going to stop and move him but... They looked comfortable.

Plus I had Mikey and Ash to deal with.

*. *. *. *. *. *

After walking out of town and back into the forest I shifted so that Andy could run to were they where and I could follow at an equal speed.

When we made it into the clearing I could immediately tell what they where arguing about.

"YOU CANT HURT THE ANGELS!!!" Mikey was yelling at Ashley.

"Well then maybe then should keep their stupid wings to themselves!" Ashley retorted. By this point I had shifted back to human form and they were completely oblivious to my being there.

So one the Angels hit Ashley... Understandable that it would make him angry... He is a demon after all...

"MIKEY ASHLEY I HAD TO WAKE UP TO LISTEN TO YOU BIKER OVER WHO LIKES ANGELS MORE?! WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU TWO!" This caused them to notice that Andy had left and come back with me.

"Anndddyyyy! Why'd you go get Shadow for?" Mikey winged.

"Yeah Andy! What was that for?" Ashley asked backing Mikey up.

"So now that I'm here you two can get along?! Great..." I said sighing and using Frank as a leaning post (only because he was the closest to me).

"Stop ganging up on Andy he was only making sure I was here to stop you two from hurting each other." I said while ruffling Franks hair, causing him to yell in protest.

"Ashley if you have an issue with the Angels then get over it, you're exiled and so are they. See you have more in common than you thought." He seemed a tad shocked to hear this but I continued talking

"Mikey you can't get upset at Ashley, he's new here and he's a demon meaning he has a natural grudge against Angels anyway. Also you haven't shifted yet so had it come to a fight you would have lost against him anyway." They both looked a tad embarrassed now.

"Now thank Andy for bringing me here and I shall meet you back at town." I said turning around and walking back to the town, not waiting to hear what they would say.


On the way back to town I ran into Ray. Or more like he bolted into me while running away from someone.

"What are you running from Re... Ohhh..." One of the younger werewolves had obviously taken a liking to Rey... and was trying very hard to give him a hug.

I put my hand out in front of the child causing him to stop.

"Now Hattz is that anyway to treat a guest? No. Now go back home, I'm sure Violets very worried about you." He nodded and turned around, running towards his older sister Violet.

"Thank you so so much Shadow... That kids been following me since last night! I had to run off when the Hunters came because I didn't want him tracking me to a place like that." He said while following me back to town.

"Understandable. The younger werewolves and vampires tend to do that to some of the newbies. Never had an issue like last night before so it is understandable that you reacted how you did. I appreciate you thinking if the child's safety." We had entered the town by now and he was simply following so as to not get lost.

"S'okay. So where are we going?" He asked.

"I'm taking you to another werewolves house. He's nice and will definitely let you live with him if you choose to stay. Then I'm going to check if CC and Jake have woken up yet." I told him turning down another street.

"What do you mean 'if you choose to stay'? Your saying I'm allowed to live here?!" He actually seemed happy about this piece of news which was odd as most other werewolves left as soon as two days after coming.

"Yes Rey, people live here. I have for the past two years, and some people where born here. Some family's have been living here for generations." We had walked in a coffee shop by now (not that Rey had noticed).

"This is awesome!" He said happily.

"Glad you think so, want some food?" I asked making him realise where we were.

"Oh! Umm a coffee and... A Choc-Chip muffin please." He said turning slightly red.

"Wicked. That, a hot chocolate and a blueberry and white choc muffin please Violet." I said smiling.

"Here you go Shadow. Hope your liking the town my fellow wolf! I'm Violet, Hattz older sister, though I think you've already met him." She said winking at Rey while handing us our food and drinks.

"Oh yeah. He's cute." Rey smiled and looked at his shoes shyly.

"And he's shy... Thanks Vi, see you round." I said dragging Rey out of the shop.

"She's nice..." Was all he said as he smiled a bit more.

"I know." I replied biting into my muffin.

And I'm bored as fuck!

Any ideas as to what Mikey's shift should be? And don't anyone dare say a kobra! I'll hit you.

All the chapters after 'No Ones F**king Normal' till now where written between 14/12/2014 and now (17/12/2014)


I've also been going back and slightly fixing up the chapters before. Nothing to major though so if you didn't read the edited version you should be fine.

I'm thinking of adding another band but I'm not sure who to add... FOB? Hollywood Undead? BMTH?

Maybe I'll just add Skrillex? No I'll probably add him either way... And Leotrix too...
If you don't know who LEOTRIX is then search him up on Soundcloud. He's a friend of mine that makes electric/dubstep music.


Don't Go Into The ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora