New Supernaturals Come To Town

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We always knew when a supernatural entered one of the surrounding towns, we always went to great them and to tell them about our home. It was their choice as to whether or not they came to live with us. Some left and came back later, others told their friends and some stayed, happy to have a home.

Mikey, Gerard and I went to greet the 4 new comers that had been sensed by the witches, we knew that they were all a different species of supernatural, which was the main reason Gerard was with us. We weren’t sure exactly WHAT these supernatural were only that they were all roughly 20 -20000 years old, or in other words WAY older than us.

As we walked we tried to guess what they were.

“I hope ones an angel!” Mikey exclaimed excitedly as we talked.

“And why is that Mikes?” Gerard asked the younger boy.

“Because we only have 3 angels at home and angels are sooo cool!” he yelled.

“Only because they take you to see the unicorns!” I laughed, he was obsessed with unicorns, and when the angels thought it’d be a good idea to show him the ones in heaven he told them;

“I love you guys! I am never going to let you guys go!”

He was hugging them so much that one of them had actually laughed, and it was a beautiful sound (the angels’ laughter). Mikey was the only one of us who could get the angels to laugh, he could get anyone to laugh.

“MIKEY!!!” I heard Gerard yell, dragging me back to now.

Apparently while I had been day dreaming Mikey had brought an ice-cream and shoved it on his head, he was now running around shouting;

“See everyone! See! Unicorns are real! I’m a unicorn!”

Kids and adults alike were looking at him and laughing, while Gee and I chased the young teen shifter. As we were running we ran into the area of town where the new creatures were meant to be.

Mikey pulled off the cone and wiped away the ice-cream, putting it in the bin and making sure he looked a little more presentable than an ice-cream wearing teen.

As we walked closer we were joined by the scout that had been assigned to this town when the forest was first made. He was a fox-shifter and was always moving. He was perfect for the town because the town was small and had a lot of foxes running around, so he wasn’t suspicious. His name was Kylax.

As we walked he told us what he knew of the four new supernaturals that we were about to meet. Apparently they were all male and that they were with two hunters. He said there was a vampire, werewolf, demon and angel (that made Mikey way to exited to go find them).

We walked to the motel Kylax had seen them go into and immediately sensed them. We followed the ‘sent’ that the supernaturals left behind to the room that they were in.

As we stood there debating who should open the door, it was opened by an extremely tall hunter with long hair brown hair and eyes. He seemed surprised to see us all standing there debating it and decided to end the argument by telling us (oh so politely) that he was indeed right there.

His ‘polite’ way to inform us of his presence was by getting his angel friend to pin me and Kylax down, while the vampire pinned down Gerard and Mikey.

“Who are you and why in all the hells are you here?!” the other hunter asked rudely. He was shorter than the one that had opened the door with short brown hair and green eyes.

“Well…” I said slowly, “I’m Shadow, the boy you’re pinning down with me is Kylax, and we’re shifters. The angry vampire is Gerard, and he’s only angry because the other boy you’ve got pinned is his younger, soon to be shifter, brother Mikey.”

They all looked at me like I was crazy.

“Great now that’s over-“

“LET GO OF MY BROTHER!” Gerard said cutting off Kylax.

The vampire holding Gerard and Mikey down let them go and backed away, quite quickly I might add. The angel holding me and Kylax down quickly let go and immediately went to stand behind the green eyed hunter.

“Okay you know our names now it’s only fair that you tell us yours, and why you’re here while you’re at it.” I said standing and brushing down my black skinnies.

“I’m Dean,” the green eyed hunter said, “that’s Castiel, angel.”

The angel extended his hand out and Mikey immediately grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.

“Sorry he loves angels, we don’t see many besides the three at home.” I said as Mikey continued to hug the poor angel.

“Umm… Dean? What is the shifter doing?” the angel asked looking uncomfortable.

“Hey, uh? Mikey? Could you maybe put Cas down? He’s not very good at… human things” said the taller hunter.

Mikey let go of the angel and smiled happily.

“Great, thanks. I’m Sam Winchester by the way, Dean’s my older brother. The demon is Ashley Purdy (A/N yes BVB Ashley!!! He looks like he did in the fallen angel video for the story. So will the rest when I put them in. I’m putting BVB in the story too!), he was exiled a few days ago but he’s a good demon compared to most. The werewolf is Ray Toro, and the vampires Frank Iero (A/N he looks like he did in ‘Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge’)”

I nodded, happy that we all knew each other’s names.

“Great now that’s out of the way I would like you all to follow me to the forest so that we can get home and show the others what we’ve found.” I say leaving no room for argument.

“Yes ma’am!” shouted Mikey happily, walking out the door.

Gerard stood at the door, waiting for everyone else to leave.

Mikey lead the way home, skipping and running through flocks of birds on the way. When we entered the forest he fell back next to his brother and I lead the way.

About half way through Kylax realized that he was meant to be back at the town by now and ran back, leaving me and the boys with the new comers.

As we neared the camp we slowed down, walking slower, more relaxed. But as we entered the camp…

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