No Ones F***ing Normal

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As we entered the camp we were attacked by three extremely hyper vampires.

"GERARD!!! MIKEY!!! SHADOW!!!" they shouted in unison, jumping on Gerard as they spoke.

"Hi'ya girls!" I said back cheerfully, laughing at Gerard as he tried to get them off him.

"Destiny! Lexi! Elena! Get off of Gerard!" we heard a voice shout, apparently said voice belonged to Andy (the girl's father/creator).

Destiny was a tall girl, thin with dark chocolaty skin. Her hair was almost black and it was a mess of curls. She was turned when she was 13; Andy saved her from another vampire, turning her so that he couldn't use her for 'entertainment'.

Lexi was the tallest girl, with long auburn hair and a pale complexion; she was 14 when she turned. Andy had saved her from self-destruction; she was our definition of an angel vampire.

Elena had been a cancer patient when she was saved at 14. She was stick thin and had beautiful brown hair with gold streaks, and bright brown eyes.

Andy had saved them all and therefore had become their 'father' of sorts. He took care of them, and when he heard of our home he came straight away. It was a place him and the girls were safe.

"Hey Biersack!" I said happily, "Come meet the newcomers!"

"I'm coming, I just have to get the girls inside. They've been running around waiting to tackle Gerard since lunch time!" he said laughing.

"Okay girls, inside now." I said pointing over in the direction of their house.

"Yes ma'am!" Elena said, running off with the other two.

"Thanks Shadow." Gerard and Andy said at the same time, causing Mikey to laugh.

"Umm excuse me? Shadow? What are we doing here?" said a confused looking vampire; I think his name was Frank?

"Oh right! Well this is our home. We have all sorts of supernaturals here, vampires, demons, angels, werewolves, shifters, witches & a few people that are expected to shift soon as well." I said; ticking off the creatures as I said them.

"Okay... why are we here?" said the demon, he looked bored leaning against a tree and folding his arms over his would be bare chest if it wasn't for the vest he was wearing.

"Ashley, right? We are here because we live here. You are here because whenever someone we don't know comes to one of the nearby towns and their a supernatural we bring them here, that way they know that 1 we won't allow anything to happen to the towns surrounding us, and 2 you can stay here or leave we don't care." I said while walking towards the town, gesturing for the others to follow me.

After about 2 minutes of walking in silence (I think the newcomers where having trouble working out what was happening) Andy decided to inform the newbies of his sexuality. Very subtly might I add.

"SHADOW!" Andy shouted.

"WHAT?" I shouted turning around and walking backwards.

"I WANT A BOYFRIEND!" he pouted, while I laughed.

"I know but you have to remember that we don't have any other gays, aside from Gee, here sweetie." I said kindly patting his head.

"Well this is strange..." I heard Ashley mutter

"You'll never be f**king normal because no one is f**king normal." Frank said proudly, smiling. "I'm gay and Ashley is too."

"Sweet!" Mikey shouted. "See Gerard, Andy I told you that we would find other gay supernaturals." He nudged Gerard as he said this.

"I know Mikes... still doesn't mean I'm going to go out with anyone..." Gee said like the depressed emo vamp he was.

"Of course you are, just cause one left doesn't mean they all will." I said stopping to give him a hug.

"I... I think I'm going to go now..." he said quietly.

"Okay bro, I'll come by later to see you okay? Go paint, it'll make you feel better." Mikey said, smiling at his brother.

Gee walked off, well more like ran (cause of the vamp speed) towards his house without another word, hanging his head slightly.

"Okay, let's go meet the others then?" I said walking forward and breaking the silence that had followed Gees' departure.

They followed (good puppies)


We have now reached the part of the story where i actually have to start writing again because this is how much i have written since i first uploaded it on the other account that i no longer use


i hope everyone is enjoying the story and dont worry things will happen soon

if you have any ideas for the story then comment or message me

i would love some feed back =)


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