a n n o u n c e m e n t

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a n n o u n c e m e n t

|Early March 2016|

KRISTEN Stewart had always wanted a big reception or a party in honor of her birthday. It was her day, after all. Well, not exactly. Gerard Way, Elle Fanning and Jackie Evancho were just a part of the group of people born on the ninth of April.

Alas, ever since she discovered the colorful festival Coachella, her group of friends would always bring her there to celebrate her birthday. It had turned into a tradition. But she wanted to break it now. She had grown tired of the festival. One and the same, one and the same.

"But, we go to Coachella every year!" , her best friend, Suzie Riemer protested. She insisted on keeping the tradition, forgetting it was Kristen's birthday, not hers. She was such a party planner sometimes.

"Suz, I love you," began our heroine "but I've always had this idea in my mind!"

Suzie pursued her lips. Sometimes she was so childish, according to Kristen.

Just like all the women, our heroine wanted to feel like a princess for at least one day. To live through a fairytale. As child, she had never been into fairytales, dollies and typical girly stuff. So why now, as a young adult?

Alicia Cargile spoke her opinion, claiming it was ridiculous and that that was not Kristen. "Are you sure you're not an alien disguised as my best friend?"

Kristen frowned. Why couldn't her friends support her idea? She was always supporting theirs. It was not fair at all.

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