s e n d i n g i n v i t a t i o n s

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s e n d i n g i n v i t a t i o n s

|Mid-March 2016|

IT was already the middle of March, also known as Kristen's most favourite time of the year. The flowers were attracting people (and bees) with their inviting smell. The environment was becoming more and more tranquil, growing greener and greener every single day. And everyone were slowly exchanging the longer sleeves with shorter ones.

Just like everyone else on this pleasant Sunday morning, Kristen was outside on the porch with friends. Today, they had to sort out and send the invitations to the guests. It wasn't going to be an easy job, considering the perfect weather and the desire to go out for a walk instead.

"Please, Kristen!" , Suzie and CJ begged her to go get some ice cream. She shook her head no, just as everyone else thought she would. Why would she agree, considering how much work they had before the party? How could her friends think about pleasure at the moment?

Suzie stood up sharply from her seat and shouted:

"You know what?" , she slammed the wooden table with her fist. "I'm so done with this stupid party! I'm leaving! You're insane!"

And she walked away, her hands still formed in fists. Kristen just shrugged, like she didn't care at all.

"Her loss", she announced.

Some neighbors kids passed by, happily greeting her in chorus with "Good morning, miss Stewart!"

Even in situations, as the one that had just happened, Kristen would keep her head held up, her chin up strong and show the world her brave face. She politely greeted the children.

"My mommy is making a barbecue tomorrow and she would like you to come!" , exclaimed a little boy with a metal bracket on his front teeth.

Kristen was delighted that she was invited at the barbecue. Even though she was world wide known with her performances in movies, she appreciated the fact that her neighbors treated her like a normal young woman. It made her feel blessed.

Alicia's inappropriate jokes, however, didn't make her feel like this. Couldn't she just keep her mouth shut for at least once? There were kids, for God's sake!

"Shall we invite Robert?" , asked Stéphanie Sokolinski, Kristen's new French friend and a famous singer.

"Of course! Do you even have to ask, Soko?" , exclaimed Kristen and added that his fiancée had to be invited as well. They wouldn't forget her, her and Robert were in tandem.

Phew! One more thing was left in the list of things for the party. And that was ...

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