f i n d i n g t h e p l a c e

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f i n d i n g t h e p l a c e

|Towards Mid-March 2016|

THE next struggle for Kristen and her group of friends, was finding an appropriate place for the coming-up event. It wasn't going to be an easy task, considering Kristen's wishes.

"How about a fancy restaurant?" , had suggested Alannah, another of our heroine's friends. The suggestion itself wasn't bad, but of course, it didn't please Kristen. Lately, it was hard to please her and everybody had noticed that. They would even gossip behind Kristen's back what a drama queen she had been lately. If only she knew what kind of friends she had in reality. Blind Kristen, blind.

"No, Alannah!" , scolded "the drama queen", adding that it had to be big, it had to be grand. Just like in her dreams.

Her friends shook their heads. When was the torture going to end? They all wanted the party to come sooner so that Kristen would go back to her old self. They had all agreed that she had gone mad with the party preparations. Don't get me wrong, they loved their best friend to death, it was just they were annoyed from her current snobby behaviour.

"Come on!" , barked Kristen. "We have no time to waste!"

Her friends rolled their eyes behind her back. A long trip all around Los Angeles followed. Kristen had a hard time choosing a place. One was too small, other didn't have the right atmosphere. It took them too long to find the perfect place. Kristen fell in love for it from first glance. The dim lights, the size of the place, the karaoke machine ...

"Finally," she whispered. "We found it!"

26 ♕ Kristen StewartWhere stories live. Discover now