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(B/n)= bully's name

As you walked towards (F/n)'s house you had that uneasy feeling of someone following you, but you just shrugged it off.
As you rang the doorbell and waited after a while you heard some screaming and yelling, so at that time you grabbed your pocket knife and knocked again at the door again before bursting in finding it unlocked.

On the floor you found (f/n) badly bruised and bleeding. Before you could walked to him you were shoved aside to the ground by (b/n), who was also (f/n)'s 'girlfriend' you guessed... You have heard about her from his stories but didn't exactly know her name.

Now you find this backstabbing 'popular girl' who was your friends girlfriend. You knew she regretted she did that, but rumours of her beating her boyfriend after she breaks up with them is true. You've seen it with your own eyes.

Immediately you grabbed the closest phone, calling 911 to get (f/n) some medical help. After someone picked up you explained what happened and where you were at so the phone operator said the ambulance would be there in under 5 minutes.
You stayed with (f/n) for the wait and in the ambulance to the hospital. In the ambulance they were hooking him up with straps and wires which didn't seem it felt so good. Luckily he fell asleep from all his panic, so he could barely feel the pain with the needles being injected into his arm so he could stay alive.

As they got then into the hospital he still was asleep, saying that his heartbeat was low and he needed to stay there for a few days. They also said he had a broken leg and a dislocated wrist from the hard punches and kicks that heartless woman gave to (f/n).

After waiting for awhile for (f/n) to wake up he finally woke up, and assuming he would be asking a lot of questions you decide you would give as much answers as possible. After a load of talking and kitten cuddling you decided to leave since it was getting close to 6 am you left to (f/n) house. Of course you didn't ask but you had to have somewhere to stay for at least this day.

Leaving the hospital and walking quite a long way to (f/n)'s house you finally opened the unlocked door, dragging your feet you shut the door and put the kitten down after giving it food. He also had a female cat that lost its kittens a few weeks before so it would happily be its foster mother for now. As you crawled to the couch, you flopped straight down, hitting the bottom and passing out quickly.

I'm sorry... *DISCONTINUED*  (Jacksepticeye X Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now