Freak Nightmares

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As you awoke in your dreamstate, you saw you were in a long dim corridor which lead to nowhere exactly. You, being the fearless one you are, started cautiously walk down it.

You started hearing whispers calling your name behind you, you whipped around, seeing only the end of this beaten up hallway where you started at. You turned back around, hearing the whispers quietly say your name once again. You ignored them, since no one was there the first time you turned around. Then you kept walking down the hallway. You then saw a door with words scribbled onto it. They were hard to read at first, until you focused on them.

They gave a eerie vibe, since they were written in a red sort of ink. But you fully focused on the words, you jumped back in fright as you read the words,

He Has Come To Find You

As you kept walking, in a faster pace than before, you came across yet another door, but on the opposite side of the hallway. You quickly focused on it, it reading,

Come Play Our Game

It was written in some sort of green liquid, similar to clumpy cake batter. You shivered, not wanting to know what it is.

As you kept walking, you heard laughter. As you paused, you grabbed the closest object to you which what's a broken floorboard that was propped against the wall. You held it close to you, ready to hit anything if it came close to you. As you kept walking at a slow and cautious pace, a floorboard breaks and your foot falls through it. Luckily it wasn't that deep, or you would've been stuck in that hole.

You instantly notice the maniacal laughter has stopped, and you could hear multiple footsteps coming towards you. You backed up against the wall and saw two people.... No, creatures walking towards you. As you slid down the wall, you clutched the board to your chest and started weeping tears of fright. You saw one of the creatures, which look insanely similar to Jack, except had a green eyeball, the same to Jack's septic eye, as substitute for an eyeball.

The other eye, was a black pit of nothingness. As black, gooey liquid drained out of it dropping on the floor, as he laughed and shook you wildly. The other creature, had old blood filled bandages around his eyes, probably guessing they have been removed. You yelled and screamed and fought, more tears leaking out of your eyes and you watched him in the distance smirk.

You finally woke up, Jack being the one shaking and yelling your name. You stopped screaming as you notice it was only a dream, and calmed down after he released his hard grip from your shoulders. He hugged you, whispering sweet nothings into you ears as you silently wept into his chest as he rocked you back and forth.

Hey everybody, you might wanna look back at the older chapters, since I cleaned them up a bit and added some new comments to it. And I really appreciate all of you reading my stories. So yes thank you my smol cinnamon rolls.


I'm sorry... *DISCONTINUED*  (Jacksepticeye X Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now