Bitch its ova!!!!

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Aniyah pov...

After that big fight we had another one this time it was worse. I'm tired of this bull shit I'm ready to get out of here if I don't ima end up hurting somebody or killing someone. I didn't do or say anything to Terrance I went to check the mail box after I did my hair I took my umbrella because it was raining. By the time I got back towards the house it started pouring down raining before I left Terrance was in the living room watching tv. I get back on the back porch and started knocking on the door he sat right there like he didn't hear me I said I know this bitch hear me. I don't care how mad I am I'll never leave someone standing in the rain or any bad weather. I made my way to front and his mutt started barking at me I wanted to get the shovel and beat the shit outta that dog. But I didn't I continued to walk I busted through the front door and gave him u fvked up big time just wait until you go to work look. I got something planned out...

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