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Picture of Arsen Bates


If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave. -Emily Brontê

As the car comes to a halt, I jump from it with my possessions in hand, my body fuelled with adrenaline from the terror I am now feeling.

"Thanks Chastity" I say as she gets out of the car, "I have to gg-o and umm do something now so I'll see you.... later?" I stutter.

"Umm... Don't you wanna meet my so called play toy?!" She asked with a hint of disappointment.

"Yeah, I'll see you at break so we'll get introduced then.... Or even sooner, okay?" I ask, hoping for some sort of understanding.

"Okay... I guess" she whispers with a slight scowl on her face.

"CHAS!" A unfamiliar voice from behind her shouts, she turns the scowl now replaced with a huge smile.

"This is my chance to run" I think to myself before turning around and sprinting towards the main door of our school.


I stand Infront of my newly assigned locker 15 minutes before the first bell will ring. I feel someone gently wrap their arms around me and forcefully pull me back to press up against them. I instantly know who it is, Casper . Casper is a guy that I'm kind of, not really dating. He thinks we are dating but I beg to differ as I don't date. I find relationships and dating too complicated and I have also lost all belief in the concept of "love". He moves my hair to the side with one of his hands and then roughly presses his lips against the back of my neck which has no effect on me what so ever.

"Hey gorgeous" he whispers seductively against the back of my neck, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Hello Casper, if you could please release me from your grip, it would be highly appreciated" I say very stiffly.

"How appreciated?" He whispers again with his lips still against the back of my neck, but now spread into a smirk. I know what he's hinting at. In other words he wants some type of sexual contact which I refuse to give him. Not just sex but anything past making out. At the thought of this, I got frustrated and stomped onto his foot. He instantly releases me from his grip and hoofs in annoyance.

"Seriously, gorgeous!!" He exclaims with anger coating his once gentle voice. I turned to face him, to my disappointment his stupid smirk is still playing on his lips. I thank the universe that no one was in the hallway to see his disgusting display of affection.

I take in his new appearance, he has really become much taller and muscular since I saw him last month at some party. He has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes and has pale white skin which I was already aware of but now he has new ear piercing. He is quite attractive and sexy, If I'm speaking honestly but that doesn't change my opinion on him. He is in the school year under me but we are close to the same age. I once again harden my facial expression to ensure he doesn't realise what my hormonal brain is thinking.

"Stop fucking calling me that" I quietly mutter rolling my eyes so no one but him hears me.

"Oh gorgeous suits you just perfectly. You are gorgeous" he says and steps closer "beautiful" he wraps his arms around my waist "innocent but...." and pressed his lips against my neck again, this time I loosen up before finally hearing him say in a seductive tone "most of all, sexy". I immediately push him from me.

"Thank you but no thank, I'm not your sex object" I loudly whisper cautious if anyone hears us. I then turn and slam my locker door, grab my schoolbag and storm down the hallway.


I reach the social area as we call it at our school. It's just a place where the hold assemblies, council meetings, other club meetings and where some of the students have lunch. As I enter the social area, I see that it is completely full with my entire year.
I scanned the room to ensure I wouldn't bump into Chastity and Arsen. I push my way through the crowd, I begin to wonder if I even have friends anymore.

"Giselle!" I hear a sweet voice shout my name, I pray it isn't Chastity but my prays are sadly not answered. Before I can walk away and act like I didn't hear her, her arm grabs my wrist. I turn to face her with a surprised look on my face.

"Giselle?" She asks in a concerning tone, "what's up with you today? You are sort of .... Out of it today".

"Yeah, just..." I say and pause to sigh "a little tired, that's all".

"Okay, well Arsen is after meeting everyone except you soooo....." She says in a hinting tone, I stare at her in a state of confusion.

"Arsen? Play toy right?" I say in realisation.

"You can't call him that" she whispers with an amused smile "he won't like it, he's so easily offended!".

"Like I give a shit what your play toy thinks" I retort with a smirk on my lips.

"You should or I'll kick your ass!" She giggles.

I start giggling along with her and shake my head as it comes to end. Just as our fit of giggles ceases I catch eye contact with those green glittering eyes that have haunted since last night. They are looking directly at me, looking directly into my soul. I focus more on the figure I am staring at. He has straightish Raven black hair that falls perfectly over the edge of his crown, it is slightly shaven at the side but it suits him unlike others. He has pristine pale skin like a china doll. He is taller than the others surrounding him and is muscular, but only slightly. His face is defined as though he was a sculpture made of chiselled limestone. He stands there completely motionless, looking at me in awe or shock, I can't really tell. His presence gives me a sense of safety and security. For the first time in nearly 3 years, I feel a different emotion besides loneliness, worthlessness and sadness. This emotion fills the void within me with warmth and comfort.

"Giselle?" Chastity's voice pulls me into my dreaded reality once again. "What is wrong with you lately?" I'm too dazed right now to speak so I just reply with a shrug.

"So you ready?" She says with her usual sassiness.

"Ready for what?" I reply in utter confusion, I must have zoned out.

"Arsen.... Are you ready to meet him?" She looks at me once again with concern in her eyes. I just nod. She catches my wrist and pulls me behind her. I feel a little dazed and faint for a reason I can't quite understand. I just stare at the ground and try to concentrate on my balance and moving of my feet.

We come to a halt. Chastity lets go of my hand and moves to the side.

"Giselle this is Arsen Bates, my boyfriend or as you call him my play toy" she says, chuckling at the end. I look up and catch the gaze of the raven haired boy, who continues to stand their in awe..... staring at me?! Oh God no.....


If you are still reading, thank you. I'm actually very grateful for anyone reading this. This is my first book and I'm nervous to see how it turns out.

The next chapter is Arsen's point of view on his first day of school so get ready.

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