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Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you- Gayle Forman

The sun is shining, shining Brighter than it has in years. It feels warmer than it has been for as long as I remember. The morning seems more hopeful and forgiving than usual. It is Friday. But usually Friday is just another day. Now Friday is a day full of hope. Everyday seems full of hope actually.

I jump from bed and quickly go about my morning routine. Over the week my morning routine has also occupied breakfast. Just a simple breakfast of raspberries but it's still breakfast.

"Mom's at work early" I hear my little brother, Zac mumble as I walk into the kitchen with my belongings.

"That isn't unusual" I scoff looking towards Zac and suddenly realise he's writing. "Zachary what are you doing?"I ask suspiciously while retrieving my raspberries from the fridge and sitting at the table across from him.

"Homework" he answers in a bland tone.

"Isn't homework supposed to be done at night?"

"Whatever just don't be a bitch and tell mom" he sneers before putting his headphones into his ears and blasting music.

I hear my phone suddenly buzzes on the table and pick it up to see it is the one and only Arsen.

Arsen and I have gotten close over the last week or so

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Arsen and I have gotten close over the last week or so. It seems like I've known him forever even though it has been less than two weeks. He's like my best friend, in a weird way. It doesn't feel all normal with him. It seems more like exciting and fresh. He seems unreadable and that intrigues me further. He sends me texts like these most mornings or else makes sure that Chastity collects me. It's like he doesn't want me to walk to school by myself. He lives like on the other side of town but still comes and collects me each morning since he dropped me home the first day. He also drops me home in the evenings. Sometimes Casper try's to but Arsen always wins.

After 10 minutes of devouring half of the bowl of raspberries and staring aimlessly into space, I get a text from Arsen stating that he is outside. I tell Zac of my departure and grab my bag, phone and keys before rushing towards Arsen's car.

"Fucking finally, it's Friday!" I hear Arsen exclaim as I climb into the passenger seat.

"Sounds like someone's got plans this weekend" I hint.

"I do, I'm spending it with you" he states while driving the car back onto the road. Lately Arsen and Chastity have been "distant" according to both Chastity and Arsen. They decided to spend some time apart. Like they are still a couple and all but aren't as obsessed with eachother. Due to this, Arsen has been spending more time with me. He probably feels lonely and needs someone to fill the emptiness of Chastity's absences in his life.

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