Home || Chapter 5

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omg hey guys how long its been

so I'm doing exams up until july yay

irelands education sucks balls guys

I'm learning japanese though

is my terrible grammar killing you all



Rain. Rain. Rain.

I'm cold, wet, hungry, homeless and pregnant. Yay.

I can barely walk at this stage. I'm just so cold. I can't feel my hands, toes or ankles and shaking is painful. I have my bag of stuff on my back, drenched. My clothes are completely saturated.

I pull my body into Phils driveway. Warm, yellow lights spill out of the windows. I lift my white/blue hand to knock but my body gives in and falls against the door. I am only in jeans and a flimsy t-shirt.

I hear running towards the door. The door flys open and Ms Lester stares at my body.

"AHHHHHHHH! PHIL! GET HERE NOW! HELP ME!" She roars at the top of her lungs. She takes my arms and pulls me inside, kicking the door behind her. Phil runs into the hallway and sees me and grabs a load of towels from the press beside him.

"Dan? Dan? What happened?!" He cries out.

Ms Lester grabs a towel and begins to dry me off.


After a long time, my temperature regulates. I'm wrapped in blankets on the sofa, in front of the roaring fire. Phil is perched on an armchair, staring at me intently.

"So Daniel, What happened? If you want to say, that is." Ms Lester asks, her warm eyes and smile instantly comforting me.

I take a deep breath."I was kicked out"

Ms Lester looks shocked. "Why on earth?!"

I look over at Phil.

"Uhm" he starts "Dan is.. uh.. Dan is um expecting"

"Expecting what?" she innocently responds

"A baby" Phil says, blushing.

"Wh-- But-- How-- Uhm, a baby?"

I nod.


"And Phil is the father" I mutter

Poor Ms Lester looks shocked.

"Oh.. I .. I didn't know you two.. Oh.. Ok.. "

"It's okay mum, but we've decided to keep the baby. It would be wrong not to. I know this is a huge shock, but I'd like you to think of it this way. Dan and I are best friends, and always have been. We're weird, and that's how we work. This situation is weird, so it's going to work. I.... I love Dan and I never want to see him down. I'm going to do everything thing I can to support him in this, and our baby. Thinking about it now, I already love this baby. Whatever happens, I'll be there for both Dan and my baby."

I'd never heard him speak so maturely.

"I.. Thank you Phil. I love you too"

I look up at Ms Lester, Who's put her hands on her face and is quite obviously trying to contain her excitement.

"Dan, I always knew you'd stick by Phil, even if not like this! No matter, I too would like to be able to contribute to this. As the Grandmother of the baby I promise I will do everything to help and support you, Phil and the baby." She says, her eyes glassing over.

"Mum! Don't cry!" Phil says, running to hug her. I join in too, just the three of us (well technically 4) hugging in front of the fire. Home.

"Dan, please stay here as long as you need. You can share with Phil if you want, or have a separate room, you choose"

"I don't mind staying with phil" I say, smiling back at him. His face lights up.

"Righty, Who wants dinner?" Ms Lester asks, beaming brightly.

We all sit down around the little wooden table, orange light filling the room. The wooden shelving is full of framed pictures of Martyn and Phil, little random ornaments, plants and brightly painted terra-cotta pots. Ms Lester dishes out peas & sweetcorn, those potato smily-face-things and some sausages. This is like the best dinner I've ever had, considering we usually had salmon imported from some foreign country and caviar or something stupidly posh. Ew.


After we finish, we lazily retreat to the living room again. Tummies full, we lay down on the couches in front of the fire. I sleepily lay my head on Phil's shoulder, closing my eyes, taking in the warmth. I've never felt better.

After a while Ms Lester brings us in some HB Vanilla ice-cream with Hundreds and Thousands on top. Phil, being Phil, gets a little white ice-cream on the end of his nose. I giggle (trying not to burst out an innuendo as Ms Lester is still in the room) and wipe it off. He looks puzzled at his nose, like a little baby or something (What can you really expect to be honest)

|Phil's POV|

After I watch Dans warm eyes start to droop and he gets less fidgety, I know it's time to go to bed.

"Night night Mum, I think we'll head up to bed now." I say, pointing at a sleepy Dan.

"Okie-Dokie, nighty. Would you boys like some tea or hot water bottles or anything?"

"No thanks, we'll be fine. Thanks though!" I call, supporting Dan as we clamber up the stairs.

Soon we fall into bed and Dan wraps his arm around me, eyes closed. I lean over and kiss him gently on the forehead.

"Night Danny"




[song of chapter: Wherever You Are ~ ONEOKROCK]

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