Strawburry, green hair and Ian

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The beeping sound of my alarm clock startled me from my sleep, I groaned and got up.

I rummaged through my clothes, "Oh yea, we have to wear uniforms" I mumbled to myself half asleep. I scratched my sides from the rough grey uniform "This feels like shit"

And to make it any better it had a ugly red plaid skirt, "and why are these socks so long?" I said to myself in the mirror "What happened to style? Did it die? And became an ugly grey sweat shirt"

I looked at the boy uniform on a piece of paper I got when I first registered,

"Red bow tie, long ruffled white shirt, and black pants with grey shoes, why do they look more cool?" I muttered at the paper

I was more of a Tom boy to think of it, I never really liked girly stuff. I rather choose baggy shirts and sweats, most of the girls I saw on the first day were drenched with make up, and had pink uniforms. I rolled my eyes

I never liked make up, It just felt so weird on my face and whenever I would wear mascara it would usually make my eyes itchy so I would look like a raccoon at the end of the day, people would have to force me to wear it or give me money.

"Ugh math test today" I groaned, and walked to the mirror

"Ha ha I look like I'm from a anime show" I laughed looking at my clothes.

After bushing my green hair I decided to put it up in a pony tail with side bangs.

- at school-

I walked into school scratching my hips from the uncomfortable skirt.

"Damn uniforms" I muttered under my breath, I made it to my locker and

searched for my things.

"I can see your loving the uniform" A familiar male voice laughed, I looked behind my back to see no one, what the hell?

I looked back to see Anthony smirking "Um, can I help you?" I said awkwardly

He just laughed and tilted his head looking at me "Your really strange you know?"

"Heard that before" I mumbled

"You know the principle doesn't allow dyed hair" he said playing with a piece of my hair, "we'll thats too bad, because I'm not changing it" I closed my locker.

"She'll call your parents" he warned smiling "Let her" I grinned

"She might kick you out of school"

"Does it look like I wanted to be here?"

The first bell went off "we'll good luck trying to keep your hair that colour"

I shrugged and walked off to first class.

"Everybody find a partner" Mr. Smith instructed

Great, nobody I knew was here.

"Damn it"

I'll probably be the kid without a partner

"We'll Kalel looks like you and Meghan don't have any partners so buddy up" he scooted me off.

I looked around to find a person with no partner, I looked at the back of the class to see a girl with brown light wavy hair sitting alone.

I awkwardly walked over and sat down next to her "Hi" I shyly waved

"Hello" she mumbled

Great were both uncomfortable. "So uh, do you know the guy?" I quietly asked

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