Five Dollars.

832 24 36

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like what? You know what" I copied him in a child like voice.

Narrowing his eyebrows he looked down upon me shooting a deep glare locking his eyes into mine. Of course failing I tired giving one back only causing him to let out a humourless laugh as if he had won.

"I'll be uh. Leaving" Dan's voice shouted over the volume, as he turned away with Phil I latched my hand onto his wrist feeling sadness cloud over.

"Please don't go"

"Let him, it's his choice" Anthony scoffed rolling his eyes. "Stop it! Just fucking stop!" I snapped at the brunette "your not impressing anybody!"

He turned to me wide eyed and instantly shot his eyes away once mine met his.

"I'm not trying to impress anybody" he muttered before leaving off pushing past a group of dancers.

Feeling pissed off my hand was detached from Dan's as he started disappearing through the crowd. I was left alone.

Well geez. The fuck was his problem?

Now Dan's gone as well. So much for a good time.

A pang of pain hit the back of my ankle. Ugh these heels.

Taking them off I walked around the dance for a few minutes that went by too slow.

My eyes hit the food table, "food~" I sang as I started shoving past a wave of people.

Pizza. Holy shit. How long has it been since I ate a slice?

Swiping a piece from the box with my free hand I walked around outside. Maybe Dan was still here?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I'm beginning to think none of my friends were here after all. Most of the people went home by now only leaving a handful of people left. Yeah, I was alone now.

Completely alone.

Walking home won't be a bad idea.

I waved off my homeroom teacher and pushed open the heavy exit, a cool breeze washed over me. Sighing I held my weight onto the door for support as I pulled on my annoying heels.

I've never walked home alone at night before, it was quiet.

Maybe this might of been relaxing and enjoyable if it wasn't for the silence. No cars were around, no people, no sounds. Just me and a few trees.

The darkness didn't help at all either.

Anxious I sped up a little wanting to get home eagerly.

Why was I scared? I was strong and could beat up anything. Hopefully anything.


I looked around for the sound. Until I looked down, a man was laying down on a bench.

He was smiling showing off his yellow and chipped teeth his gums were a dark red that almost looked purple. By guessing I thought this guy was homeless.

He sat up showing off his skinny torso, his clothes were ragged and had multiple stains covering all around. "Hello..." my voice became frail.

"Your a pretty one" he rasped and went into a coughing fit. Too be honest I felt bad for this man. "Thank you I guess"

"You guess?"

"Uh." Finding myself awkward I faked a cough.

"You're alone, aren't you?" He changed the subject. Finding the question a bit odd I answered "yeah. I guess I am"

"You guess," he respected with a chuckle.

"Tell me, why would a girl dressed up all fancy be walking alone at this time of night? Shall I ask"

"Don't know." I didn't feel the need to tell this unknown man everything that happened today. "Listen I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta go now." The urge of running through the field and collapsing into my house rushed through me.

"See you another time sweet cheeks." After the sentence he began hacking and coughing. Feeling another guilt wash over me I dug through my purse and pulled out a five. "Take care of yourself and get something you eat. Okay?" I handed him the money. "Thank you ma'am" he tipped his worn out baseball cap and smiled once more.

Later did I notice that he only had one arm. Dang, I should be more happy with my life seeing how others are far worse than my own.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Scurrying into the front door I slammed it shut. Man, fuck this night.

Nothing that League of Legends couldn't fix.

The rest of the night was mostly just playing rp games and eating rolled up pizza that I found a liking to.

A knock.

I leaned backwards on my chair so that I could see down the hall. "I should just ignore it.." I mumbled launching forward and grabbing a hold of the mouse again.

This time the knock was louder and a ringing of the bell was heard. Flinching I sat up quietly and walked through the hall carefully. They knocked once more.

Calm the fuck down I'm coming. I wish I could say out loud.

Peering through the window I saw Anthony. We'll who would have thought.

Feeling pissed I walked back to my bedroom. "Kalel, I know your home" I heard his voice echo.

"I'm coming in" his voice warned. What!

I heard the doorknob down the hall click. Panicking I pressed the computer off and literally dived into bed pretending to sleep.

How the hell did he get in?

Footsteps echoed through the room as he reached my room.

The door opened slowly he stepped inside.

"Your bad at pretending" he snorted.

Giving up I ripped the sheets off me. "How the flipping fuck did you get in you creep?"

"I know you keep a key on your porch"

"What! You fucking stalker" I glared smacking his shoulder.

But I noticed that he reeked of alcohol, "are you drunk?"

"Just a tipsy" he said honestly.

"Get out you drunk fuck" I found myself going to far and sighed running a hand through my now messy hair. "Sorry. It's just, your pissing me off"

"You've been pissing me off!"

"Why are you even here?" I groaned tossing a pillow at him.

"My step dad kicked me out"

"Sucks for you. Now leave" I pointed towards the door. His gaze dropped.

"I'm just kidding you dickwad, you can crash here" I let out a giggle. "I'll take the couch" he insisted "nah man, you can take my brothers old room"

"Thanks Cullen"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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