50 Shades Of Red

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"Kalel! Get your butt down here!" My dad called from downstairs, I groaned picking myself up, I slumped down the stairs "What?" I fixed my glasses, "Me and your mother are going on a business trip to Toronto for two weeks we need you to be a good girl and be responsible we already went through this before so you know the rules" Dad lectured, My jaw dropped "Two weeks?" I echoed, Mom came running down the hall.

"Bye sweetie it was an emergency, sorry we have to leave on short notice" she kissed my cheek picking up her wallet "Here, 50 bucks only don't spend it on stupid things"

I grabbed the cash, "thanks mom but...who's going to drive me to the store anyways?" I asked her, she opened the door "that's for you to figure out honey" she closed the door.

"Do they always have to do this?" I sighed to myself. "Why can't they ever find time for me?"

Then I thought about it...."nope, never mind" I thought of all the annoying things they would do if we hung out a lot.

Then something popped into mind, My hair...I blew the stand of hair out of my face.

I grabbed a hair tie twisting it around pulling it into a messy bun

I wonder if Tyler always feels like this? I thought.

The phone rang, I ran over pressing the talk button. "Hello?" I asked, "Hey Cullen!" a cheerful voice sang, "Joey?...how the hell did you get my number?" I held the phone closer, looking around carefully.

"Oh Tyler told me!" he giggled "So you want to come over or what?" I could feel the smile in his voice, "um...I actually have to get my hair dyed" I leaned onto the counter.

"great! I'll come with" he hung up.

Running my fingers through my hair I grabbed my panda sweater, slipping on my black flats I grabbed the keys to the house walking out the door.

After locking it I put the keys away and walked sat down on my porch waiting.

Joey came faster than I expected, "Hullo" he hooked his arm with mine, "let's go!" he started to skip.

I nearly bumped into a pole, "um...Kalel?" he stopped

"yeah?" I asked trying to find his face in my blurred vision "Why are you walking like a blind man?" he asked me

"because I am blind!" I said remembering I took them off

"oh...Why didn't you keep them on?"

"Because they looked dorky!" I tried to focus on the sidewalk, he laughed "By dorky do you mean cute?"

I smacked his arm "It's not cute"

He grinned "yeah, yeah whatever you say..." he nudged me.

"Joey!" a voice shouted behind us, I turned around to a familiar looking guy, he reminded me of Anthony

"Oh hey Dan" Joey smiled, "Good thing I bumped into you, did you get the science notes we did today?" he squinted as the sun shone brightly.

Joey played with his fingers "um, no but I'm pretty sure Kalel here did!"

"Wait, Joey I didn't know you were in my science class..." I scratched the back of my neck. "Oh I am! I just skipped most of the classes" Joey laughed.

My eyes widened "dude, you skip? That's not really a good thing to do"

Joey shook his head "no, you see I'm preparing the homecoming dance"

"ohhh" I nodded then frowned "eh, I don't really like dances..." I shrugged, Joey gasped "seriously? Your the only girl I know who doesn't like dances!"

"I just don't really care for them" before Joey could answer Dan stepped in "so do you have the homework?" he awkwardly smiled, I laughed adoring his awkwardness. "Yeah, but um I don't think you know where I live..." I pulled out a gum wrapper out of my pocket, "Joey do you have a pen or anything?" I asked, he slipped off his adventure time backpack and dug around.

"here" he passed a Gunter shaped crayon, raising an eyebrow I scribbled down my address and handed it to Dan. "come by around six or something" I gave back the crayon. He started to sweat "uh...erm...o-ok" he stuttered, his face turned red "um? You ok there Danny?" I felt his forehead, "no fever..." I mumbled. Suddenly Dan collapsed to the ground, "oh shit!" I panicked "he fainted!" Joey shouted.

"Does he have some kind of medical problem!?" Joey started to pick up his legs "let's bring em to your house"

I lifted his arms, we started to haul him away "Joey? What if people think we did something to him?" I felt anxiety in my stomach, "Let's take the forest way!" Joey looked towards the direction "Yeah people will defiantly think that we didn't do anything suspicious, ya know just two teenagers hauling a dead weight body through the forest! Nothing to worry about!" I sarcastically shouted

"Well what would you do if somebody randomly fainted?" Joey asked, "how should I know?"

"your mom is a doctor you should know this stuff!" Joey stated, we passed through the forest, luckily no one was on the trail that we took. Dan started to twitch "he's waking up!" I told Joey, we put him down onto the forest floor, I knelt down watching him twitch, his eyes slowly opened

"Dan?" I poked his cheek

~ Dan's P.O.V ~

This girl...she was beautiful, she smiled passing me her address. I was still a pretty fucked up kid I always stutter in times like these, Arghh! Why must God hate me and give me such awkwardness?

I felt myself slipping in and out of cautiousness, yup...here it comes...

And I'm out...

I blacked out slipping into darkness.

Sunlight filled my vision, I adjusted my eyes. Kalel and Joey were anxiously watching me, "Dan?" she poked my cheek.

I blushed "Oh, did...I?" I asked, they both nodded "uh huh, you fainted" She helped me up.

"Oh, sorry if I caused you any t-trouble really" I gazed down at my feet.

"oh no, no it's quite alright" Kalel touched my shoulder. Butterflies awoke in my stomach. I turned to shades of red.

"Um, Dan are you sure your alright?" She asked cornered, I backed away laughing "oh, yes! I'm f-fine!" I stuttered, I kept walking backwards away until I felt my ankles hit something hard. I heaved to the ground, I gasped with surprise and laid on the forest floor.

"Dan!" they ran up, "Oh my gosh Dan, are you alright?" they hovered over me.

Embarrassed, I got up. "Geez Dan you sure are clumsy" Joey joked. I got to my feet and saw that I tripped over a large fallen over skinny tree.

"I better get home..." I blushed, Damn it Dan! Hold yourself together!

What was happening to me? I usually don't act like this at all!

"Oh Danny," I turned deep red once she called me Danny "My house is just over there I could give you the papers if you wanted" she pointed over to at the end of the trail, a white large house peered behind the trees.

"You live in the forest?" I asked, "uh huh" she nodded

"here let me go get the papers" she sped down the trail, "So...Dan, I have a feeling you aren't always like this" Joey poked my back, "Oh, um allergic reaction?" I blinked, Joey smiled before walking away.

I scuffed at the floor adjusting my glasses, "come on Dan, stop acting like some creepo with medical issues..." I muttered before walking up the trail

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