Changes into Cas

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Crowley shuffles around the bunker but not totally unsupervised. He's more a pet than anything on top of being an asset for the Winchesters. At nights or when they're away from the bunker he's locked back up. Helping is something the King of Hell never thought he'd do. But being considered a friend had its perks.

He got to see some of the things around the bunker. They were careful not to let him look at any of the Men of Letter's things to discover more secrets. It seems Crowley knows some things about a few of their actions already. They forgot he was the King of the Crossroads way before and trading secrets was a hot commodity.

Dean comes from the kitchen with a burger on his plate and sits at the table. Crowley in the lounge chair behind him. "So squirrel why so quiet all a sudden? This can't be because of a certain absence of a winged friend can it?" Dean swallows another bite and looks up at Crowley. He stares at him and raises the burger back to his mouth taking another bite. Dean opens the laptop and scans the screen.

Suddenly Castiel closes the laptop, "hello Dean." Dean smiles and swallows his last bite. "Hey Cas." Dean looks around, "what are you doing here?" "I felt you were saddened so I came to change that." Castiel sits on the table to the side of him. "Tell me what's wrong?" Dean shifts in his chair. "Well Cas I'm not exactly fine with things. I used to see things clearly but sometimes I sit back and wonder what I'm doing. How did we get here?"

Castiel smiles slightly, "there is always room for doubt. I mean even I... have doubts." "But things used to be simpler. See a monster and kill it and now..." "Dean this isn't all about monsters, what else is troubling you?" Dean leans more as his elbows support him on the table. "Well, it might sound crazy but life on the road seemed simpler. That's what I'm used to. I mean with dad we always moved from motel to motel and I had one job. Lately, with nearly all my friends and family dead... I dunno."

Castiel puts his hand on Dean's arm. "It's okay Dean." Dean stands up and looks Castiel in the eyes. "No Cas, its not." Castiel tilts his head, "why not?" Dean smirks, "because you're not real. Not really." He pulls out a pair of cuffs and slaps one around Castiel's wrist. "Crowley." Castiel starts to laugh, "bollocks! What gave me away?" Dean just raises an eyebrow, "back to your chair."

Crowley slumps in the chair and Dean goes back to the computer. "It worked my little charade." Dean looks up from the computer, "what are you mumbling about?" Crowley turns his full attention to him, "I cheered you up mate." "Shut up," Dean went back to his computer with a faint smile across his face. 

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