Your Majesty

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You wake up in the dark and lifting your head up your hair was half in a puddle. Dripping you push off from the ground and look around. It looks like the back of Taco Bell. Getting your feet under you and putting your nose up, "does smell like Taco Bell." Leaning against the wall you try to remember how you got here. You weren't drunk, quite the opposite in fact. Feeling the knot on your head, "I was kidnapped."

Flashes of red pollute your vision. Closing your eyes you see a vision of a red haired woman. You can't make out what she's saying but it isn't English. Then you blacked out to wake up here... Half in a puddle and wondering what the hell just happened. Feeling your skin you don't notice any cuts nor flinch with pain. Something pokes you in the side as you move your jacket and lifting it up you see a knife. You seem fine just confused. Pushing off from the wall you move around the building and take the sidewalk in the direction of home.

Walking a bit more and another vision hits you. The redheaded lady again and she put a piece of paper in your pocket. You snap out of it and go to your pocket and pull out the paper. Opening it you see some odd scribbles but you look up and continue walking, "I understand what I must do." The streets look familiar and yet they don't. Then you stop and look towards this house with symbols. You didn't see them at first but after mumbling some phrase they appeared to you.

Walking through the door you listened for a whisper, "to the left." Following the instructions you go to the left. Taking cautious steps and peaking around the corner to the larger room before entering it and seeing the back of a chair. A roaring fire in front of it as you continued to enter and keep out of sight. "You can stop trying to hide back there. I could hear you from a mile away." You stopped at the sound of his British accent and pulled out the knife. "I've come to kill you," you say sternly. He sets down his glass, "have you now?"

He gets up and adjusts his suit, "lets get to it then." Trying to stare him down only to have him roll his eyes. You charge after him and he moves to the side so you run past him. Turning on your heels and come back at him brandishing your knife. He pulls his out just in time to deflect your swipe. Circling each other then taking more swings. You duck but he cuts your arm. You groan and lay your other hand over it, "you'll pay for that." "Do you accept souls?" You cry out and swinging wildly managing to knock his knife from his hands.

Spinning the knife in your hands and coming after him. Stabbing at him he grabs your wrist and stops it from plunging into his chest. You push with all your might and a little more he takes a step back. Being at a standstill for a few seconds you kick out his knee. Howling he goes to his knees and you still put your might into your hand. Gritting your teeth he puts his hand on your chin and pushes up. Your neck pops but you turn your head so his hand slides right off. His hand gets a better grip on yours and he pushes back. The knife backs away from him as you look in his eyes.

Your arm shakes as he pushes back and as it does a little bag falls out from your jacket. You see red once more and a little voice coaxing you to push harder, plunge that knife into his chest. Seeing nothing but his brown pigments he says something in that language you couldn't identify. The redness drains from you and your grip on the knife loosens. Dropping it your hand moves to the collar of his suit and you pull him up as your lips crash on his. Surprised at first he quickly kisses you back and you press yourself against him more. Rising up you look down at him with a grin, "your majesty." 

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