Crowley Takes You

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Gently applying pressure you step on another old board in the barn. You look to Dean who nods and breaks off the other way. You knew Sam was checking the outside parameter so you and Dean could search the inside. Hunting down a demon with a lead to where Crowley is hiding these days. Nearly killing you gave you more of an incentive to track his ass down. Sam got you a gun and you've been hunting with them to find the King of Hell.

There was a demon spotted in this area and tracking it to the barn. You were determined not to leave until he was found and some questions were answered. Putting more weight on your foot you look down the barrel of the gun and scan the lofty ruin. The rotting boards above you let the sunlight trickle in and if you weren't here to catch a demon you might enjoy this. Hearing a creek you turn sharply in its direction.

Pointing your gun over there but you see nothing; suddenly you feel hands grab your shoulders and spin you around. You get a shot off but the demon is quicker and hits your wrist forcing you to open your hand and drop it. "Son of a-" he starts kicking so you block but a kick lands and it hurts. You fall into a rhythm and begin to predict his moves. Holding your strength you finally see an opening and take it. Landing a good punch to his side then drop down, spin and kick out your leg. Knocking him to his back you drop your knee to his chest and pull out your phone. Dean comes around the corner; "I heard a noise-" he sees your knee planted and nods in approval. Bringing the phone up to your ear, "yea Sam, got him." Dean walks over and knocks the demon out with the butt of his sawed off shotgun. Sam comes up and they grab the limp body and carry it to the car. You walk out with more confidence because you brought him down.

Back in the bunker they tied him to a chair inside a giant devils trap on the floor. His head moves around and you're the first thing he sees, "morning sunshine." He bears his teeth and you smile, "is that supposed to scare me?" He closes his mouth and begins to glare. You blow him a kiss as you stick your hand inside your jacket. Pulling out the knife his eyes grow a little wider. You get close to his face, "now... your going to tell me where Crowley is."

Sam looks over at Dean after hearing about the twenty-ith scream, "should we go check on things?" Dean looks up from the computer and shrugs, "give it another five minutes." You pull the knife out of the demons knee, "thanks for holding that for me," you toss your jacket on the table, "didn't want any blood on my jacket." He huffs out and looks up into your eyes. "Now... where were we? Oh yes, you were saying about a building in Kansas City?" He turns his head and spits, "a building with a giant spider outside. Its his... home away from home." You hold the knife close to his face, "if you're wrong... I'll be back and I'll start taking limbs."

You walk out the doors and head to Sam and Dean. They look up at you as you enter, "looks like we're going to Kansas City fellas." Dean nearly jumps up, "been a while since I've had some good barbeque." Packing quickly you can't wait to see the look on Crowley's face when you trap him." "Audi nos," you hear this as you step into the hallway with a bag over your shoulder and head towards the garage. Loading up the impala you watch them walk in, "so?" Sam has that hurt look on his face and you know that the demon that possessed the poor bastard didn't make it. You got into the back seat then it was go time. A little over four hours later you look at the skyscrapers of downtown Kansas City. "Now the demon said something about a spider by the building and the search results came up with is the contemporary art museum."

Getting off the highway you saw it and it was huge, "guys." Sam let out a breath, "I see it." Outside it was your turn to go around the back while they went inside. They went through the maze of an inside while you kept a sharp eye out. Since there was light outside you didn't have your gun visible. As you turned the corner your breath got shorter and it was harder to take in air. Your back hits the side of the building and your hands move to your throat. Then he appears, "hello darling."

The pressure at your throat goes away enough so you can take small breaths, "Crowley," you clench your jaw. "In the flesh. A little birdie told me you were looking for me." "You don't remember me do you?" He looks at you for a while, "should I?" You stare at him, "maybe you don't remember me because I was hiding in a closet but I was watching through the cracks. I watched as you murdered my father. Your hellhound tore him to shreds as you just watched and laughed." He scratches his beard, "your dad cheated me and had to be an example and Juliet wanted a new play toy."

You said a few words of Latin and were able to push off from the wall. He raised his hand but you kept coming after him. Grabbing the knife you swing it high but that's when you hear a growl and something grab your ankle. Your face plants into the ground and you're dragged off. Crowley waves and it doesn't take long before you pass out. This time you wake up tied to a chair while his face is what you saw. "Different when its you in the chair isn't it?" You lowered your gaze, "just wait until Sam and Dean get here." Crowley smirked, "how are they going to find you?" You began to feel hope and confidence when you opened your mouth until he pulled out your broken phone. "No GPS love," he tossed it to your feet. 

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