Crowley's Daughter

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Being a girl is never really an easy thing to be. Try being the daughter of a well-known figure who commands respect. Coming back from taking Juliet for a walk you unleash her and watch as she runs to dad. "Juliet my sweet." He bends over and pets her. "Did you have a nice walk?" You roll yours eyes, "yea... it was a blast." You start to walk away. "Hey missy I wasn't done!" You stop and look over your shoulder. "What?" He takes a step, "I've got a small errand for you." "Why don't you get one of your servants to run it for you?" "Because you are my daughter and I said so."

And just like that, that is how you ended up walking among the humans. You've done these little errand runs before and they were annoying every single time. You made your way inside the tailor store and stroll up to the counter. "May I help you miss?" "Save it bag of bones I'm here to pick up a suit." He looked a little taken back by you, "what's the name?" He asked rather snarky. "Crowley, the name's Crowley." His eyes widened at the name and hurriedly left to retrieve it.

He comes back with a black garment bag draped on a hanger. "Will that be all?" You take the bag, "for now." You detect a little sweat forming on his forehead as you turned to walk away. You smiled because you got a little pleasure in throwing around your father's name.

Throwing the bag over your shoulder you walk down the sidewalk before disappearing back to hell. You passed off the garment bag to another demon who takes it to the bedroom. You cross the room not stopping as you go through a door and kick off your shoes. You sigh and jump on your bed. Pulling your laptop out and open it you pass some time playing games. Then there's a knock at your door.

You look up, "what do you want dad?" Crowley stood in the doorway and looked at the laptop then you. "Darling you'll need to get your own dinner tonight. Daddy's got some business to attend to." You roll your eyes, "whatever." "And I sent Juliet on a mission. Take demon number three if you want some company." "Okay whatever," you waved at him as you concentrated more on your game. He turned and walked away grumbling something.

You laugh to yourself as you hear him walk away. Making it to levels you haven't been to before you save your game at the sounds of your stomach growling. Giving in you close it down and put your shoes back on. Grabbing your money and shoving your phone in your pocket you leave the room closing the door behind you. Nearly skipping when you reappear on the surface and pavement under your feet.

Walking down the sidewalk you look at the names and wonder what your hungry for. You walk a couple of blocks then the smell hits you. It's been a while since you've had the phenomenal burgers at JJ's Restaurant. Your mouth nearly waters at the mention of it and the amazing fries. You open the doors and move inside. The warm and greasy smell of the place fills your nostrils as you move to the counter. The waitress leans over the counter as you give your order.

As you wait you look down the counter to see a couple of guys munching on their food. The one closest to you picks up a fry and you watch with hunger as he bites it in half and soon the whole thing is gone. He looks to the waitress and shakes his glass for a refill. As he does he sees you, staring. He smirks when he sees you looking at his fries. "You want one?" You get up from your place and move towards him, dragging your fingers on top of the counter.

As you close the distance between you two you see how green those eyes are. He picks up a fry and you smirk as you take it. "What's your name sweetheart? I'm Dean." You move the fry to your lips and open them slightly. Moving the end across your bottom lip and slowly in as you bite down. You move your hand up to the bottom of his jaw and push it back up. "Careful, drawing flies." The waitress comes back with your order in a bag, "here you go." You pay her and send a little smile over to Dean. Walking out you strut your confidence because you know he's watching.

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