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At drumline practice.

Drum instructor: ok go back and do it again!

Me thinking: ugh! We did this like 20 times already! I can't make my fucking dot for the life of me!

*we do our set and I FINALLY make my dot*

Me whispering: yes!

Drum instructor: ok do it again. Some people didn't do good.

Me thinking: I did fucking fantastic!

*run our set, I messed up*

Me: shiiiiiiiit!

Drum instructor: ok good! That was good. Everyone looked awesome.

Me thinking: really?! I fucking almost rammed right into someone and you say that was a fucking good run?

-Later that practice-

*running a new set. That I'm amazing at. When the show gets good*

Drum instructor: ok two more times go back. Playing this time!

Me: aye sir!

*we run our set, playing and everything. I play at the wrong part. I plié at the wrong time! I almost fall!*

Drum instructor: that was good! Just like that! Do it again!

Me thinking: REALLY?! I Almost fall to me back breaking death!! I squat -plié- at the wrong time! You say that was good?! Bruh! I'll do it again? But not like that!



Hey people!

I fill like I'm up dating all the bad in drumline. Actually it is the best thing that ever happened in my life. So next after this I will update all the fun and funny stuff that we talk and do on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, I'll show you a practice clip of our show. (Most likely not, cause I don't know if I'm supposed to and I don't know how to copy a video on Facebook)


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