Getting tagged in stuff :) I feel popular for once

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So I got tagged by. vlopez0305

1. Weird fact about you?

Umm, I choked on a apple slice when I was little... I don't think I even chewed it... Is that a weird fact???

2. Favorite food?

Tacos. Tacos are SO good!!!

3. First fandom?

The fandom I been a part sense I was like 8. The RoosterTeeth fandom!

4. Best Friends?

I don't want to say their names so I'm gonna use nicknames.



5. Your current lock screen

 Your current lock screen

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6. Favorite OTP

Wellllll, I'll have to say Michael Jones and Lindsay Jones

7. Birthday

March 24th!!!! Boi!!!

8. Three fears

1. Change
2. Clowns
3. Spiders

9. What do you look like?

No one needs to know😂

10. Favorite song?

Anything: by Henley

11. Why'd you make the account?

Cause why not?

12. Favorite character?


There's Mogar, sting, Nastu, X-Ray, Vav, Mad King, Tucker, oh!!! Don't even remind me of Felix!!

I'm not picking there is so much...

I tag-


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