Short Story

17 1 2


Is the number of the section of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows an adult who is experiencing a mental health crisis to be involuntarily detained for a 72- hour psychiatric hospitalization when evaluated to be a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled.


About 2 weeks ago:

They have been feeling like this for a whole month.


A failure



The list goes on...

They've felt depressed before, but not as bad as it felt for this whole month. They've been having thoughts of hurting themself, thoughts of suicide. Of course they never acted of these thoughts.

Until one day...

Monday October 15th....

They were heading to their College English class.

They forgot something that was kinda important that day, they left it on their desk at home.

Their professor asked if they brought the assignment, if they were prepared for this day.

They said no...

The Professor asked them to step outside.

They talked about the class.

Asked questions...

Everything was a big blur... but one set of words stood out among the rest.

You should drop this class, you are failing it....

Those words... pushed them over the edge.

Those words... made everything go down hill.

Those words... made them want to take the pain away that they were feeling.

The Professor said they should go take to a counselor about how they are feeling.

Only thoughts of-

I'm a failure.

I failed everyone...

I can't even pass a simple English class...

So they walked over to the Mental Health Department....

After filling out a paper and waiting, they meet with a nurse.

They poured out their feelings and thoughts in that moment.

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