Its good to be back at drumline.

5 0 1

Day: Thursday the 28th of July

Drumline is taking a break. Drinking some water.

/Mine not gonna say real names. Because I just don't want to. So I'll either give nicknames they are know for, or what drum they play\

Ok so one of our instructor is sitting with us.

The band is on the other side of the field. We made a smaller visions of the field. (Long story about that. Don't ask questions)

*some random stupid ass song plays. Some clapping part. The band claps to the said clapping part*

Instructor 2 (yes I am giving them numbers instructors 1 and 2): They can clap in time to a song. But they can't march  perfectly in time...

Tenor player and bass 2: ooooooh! Drag them! Expose them!!!!!

Me: *laughing my ass off*

Meme master: I was going to say the same thing. I should bring that up at the end of practice.

Instructor 2: you should.

Instructor 1: *gives some speech about "if you can play a rhyme to a song, it's not hard to play and march at the same time"* <------ something along the lines of that

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