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Well I got tagged again (hehe I feel so special)

I got tagged by vlopez0305

1.Who is your Wattpad senpai?

Umm idk if I have one.... Sorry to all the followers xD

2. How many friends do you have?

Well let's see 4.....12? Ok so at least 16

3. If second chances ok with everyone?

Depends on the person, what did they do?


Just a simple mistake?

Are you Donald Trump???


My sister?

Depends man depends.

4. Sexuality?

I'm straight as a ruler. (2017 me: BOI I THINK NOT!!!)

5. Crushes?

I have celebrity crushes.... Not people I know tho..

But if you must know my celebrity crushes (which you probably don't but what ever)

It's Michael Jones from RoosterTeeth


Miles Luna from RoosterTeeth

6. Ever been in a relationship ship?

No. But I got asked out, turned him down, only because I'm not ready to start dating yet.

7. Opinions on me (not to sure but I'm gonna talk about the person that tagged me)

You cool as beans


Love ya

8. Favorite book on Wattpad?

Well I have like SO much. Let's see

Avoiding that dragon slayer by: @alfel8727

360 unread text messages by: @Team_Fandom

A farther I never knew by: @Rooosterteeeth

Something perfect by: rbkhwllsn

Mute by: @thesilverfield  (hope I didn't say your name wrong)

Purr mother fucker by: @the_painted_ho (again sorry if I did it wrong)

Instincts by: @L3gitGirlGamer

Sharp souls by: @DawnMystery

9. Dream vacation?

Tbh I don't have one lol

10. Favorite word or words?



I don't have anymore, I can't think right now

11. How many pictures are in you camera roll?

I'm not gonna exit the app to check I'm tired lol

But around 10

Only because I hate the "storage almost full" like shut the fuck up!

Like the other day I'm trying to watch fairy tail the movie waited so long for it to down load and through out the whole movie, "storage almost full" I got to finish my movie that movie that day or ever because for some odd reason the Internet is not working.. Thanks boi....

12. Least favorite thing about you?

My pinky toe... I hate it so much!!! Idk why!!!

13. Something you look for in a person?

Umm well, I guess things we could have in common, but not to much I would like to find a surprise once in a while.

Good humor

And idk I hate questions like these lol

I tag:


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