Chapter 2

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Alice POV


I only turn around to see a young woman her eyes are blackened and is wear black lipstick that heightens her really pale complexion as I studied her head to toe I see that she's in a black dress and heels. I look back at her in awe she in all in all looks beautifully scary I snap back to reality when she reaches behind her back to pull out a blade I stood still in wonder as she starts to plat with the blade with her hands. Hello there I'm Jane, Jane the Killer with a slight chill through her melodic voice and who are you I'm Alice Alice Liddell I reply as feel for my blade in my holster hidden under my dress.

Why hello Alice and what brings you here in the woods? she asks as she starts to walking around me. You do know it said to have murders here hidden in the woods waiting to pounce on the innocent who stumble in here. I feel her stop behind me as I about to reply her blade is on my throat some like you. She pushes forward and soon start to feel blood follow from my neck. Hahaha! I'm know where innocent I said and elbow her in the stomach Ugh! I quickly whirl around and take my blade from holster and lunged at her. She rapidly stands up and dodges my attack and tries to aim for my back I move away before she cans fuck! at this rate I'm going to be late to school I can't afford another detention. I either have to finish her off my killing her or try to do as much damaged as possible and flee before she gets me. I drop to the ground and swing my legs towards her's making her drop I roll on top of her I really don't have enough time so lets try to finished soon okay? I say as I slash my blade to her neck down to her chest. Ahhh! You bitch your going to pay! she snarls and she throws me off her I land on my back not two seconds later she on top of me and drags her own blade where she cut last moving down my collar bone. Before she can do anymore damaged I grab ahold of my blade any stab her shoulder but I don't to there I pull out the blade and stab her on her stomach. shocked by sudden moves I stab her again in same place I stabbed her shoulder but much more force soon I get up and start to run soon I hear get up and chase after me but because of the stab wound on her stomach it slows her sown giving me more of a chance to leave the woods faster.

*time skip* 

I soon reach the end of the woods lucky it's only a block from the school I reach in my bag and pull out my phone to see the time just my luck I have 15 minutes left before school begins. As I get out of the woods I pull out my tiny compact mirror and a few tissues and start to somewhat clean my cut. Soon am done any will just go to the schools restroom to scrap off the dried blood that's left over my neck and collar bone. I start walk again and think I just meet a killer I fought her and manage to hurt her and run away fuck! now I'm gonna have a fucking killer stalker up my ass until she kills me. Well at least my life just got more interesting before I know it I reach the school grounds oh joy! (note the sarcasm) Hey emo bitch! Did you cut yourself before coming to school? Attention seek freak! Seem like someone want to go back to the mental hospital again! Ugh what a whore! You know whore and prostitutes only wear fishnets oh wait you are one ahahahaha!! As I kept walking up the stairs and into the building the calls from the preps such as jocks and slutty cheerleaders are buzzing are everywhere and as always I ignore them and head straight to them bathroom.

Immediately I grab some paper towels, head to open the sink I wet the paper towels I star to dab the cut it stings like a motherfucker I hope that bitch name Jane clean her damn blade I better not get an infection lucky I carry along antiseptic with me along with bandages. Hey you never know when you'll need it as I'm done applying it over the cut I place A big bandage over it fix my hair and straighten my outfit and head only to be pushed down by Vivian the queen of sluts herself hey slut where do you think you going? huh?asked as her slutty minions laugh. I don't even reply I just get up brush of my dress and walk around her only to be pulled by my hair I don't like to be ignored especially by whores like you as venom drips from her voice. I scoffed the only whores here are you and your little minions and pull away from her grasp. Excuse me I and my friends are not whores! Honey of course you are let be put this simple as I can so tiny little brain can understand you and friends are whore being the reason why is because you all sleep around meaning you have sex with any guy that comes up to you along in being the line of "hot". Why you little bitch and pulls her hand to slap me but before it can connect with my face I stop her by grabbing her wrist adding a bit of force  now you listen here you are not going to hit if you do pray to god you don't end up six feet under and twist her wrist making her drop to the ground. I let her go and head of to my first period class.

*Time skip again :p*

Soon the school day drags on by and before I know it the end of the day as I gather my things and stuffed them in my bag I head out to school door as I reach the end of the block someone puts a hand on my mouth and waist and drag me to a dark alley. They push me up against an old musty brick wall and whisper in my ear, I head you called my girlfriend a whore. I soon knew who dragged me here it was Vivian's douche bag of a boyfriend Derek I'll show you who's the whore I feel one of his hand trial  up and down my thigh while he started to kiss  the side of my neck and collar bone that wasn't cut. I started to feel real uncomfortable and brought my knee up his balls. Ugghhh... you bitch  he groaned and grabbed my hair with much force he turned my face and punched me I let a scream  he pushed me back towards the wall and started feeling me up again. So as he was distracted reach down form blade I pulled out from my holster and and rammed it on Derek's thigh AHHHHH!!! you slut your going to pay for that and lunged at me but I was prepared and slashed his arm as I did it made me happy to see blood drip from his arm and leg I was making him feel the pain I would go through when he and other jocks would gang up on me and beat me. it made lust for him to feel pain to feel the agony I would feel. Soon something in me snapped I felt all the pent up anger I felt from through out all the years of torment and bullying I went thorough I felt like I need to release it and Derek was an easy outlet. I pounced on Derek and started stabbing him everywhere laughing as I did this I stabbed his chest,stomach legs,arms, shoulder everything until he was fully covered in blood. As I get up from his body I looked over his body feeling very satisfied in my art work. Hmmm....I think I found something interesting to do in my boring life. I wonder who will be my next victim.

Jane's POV (didn't expect that did you?)

That bitch I can believe she did that! Ughh! When I find her I will kill that slut in slow agonizing death until she begs me to kill her torturing her even more by not giving her the satisfaction of her please.  ALICE LIDDELL you better watch your back. And better not go to sleep or you'll wont wake up.

OMG!!!!!!! :O I bet you didn't expect that to happen did you? I bet you guys though she meet Jeff at first  huh. ;) Well your sadly mistaken it was Jane. I also bet you didn't see it coming when she killed that douche Derek huh? or did you o.O Alice you better watch your back you got a killer stalker now just like you said. What do you guys think will happened next? 

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Song Serial Killer Girl by: Snow White's Poison Bite 

Jane the Killer >>>>

Until next time my Bloody Droplings :3

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