Chapter 3

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Alice POV

As I contemplated on who will end up my next victim I looked back down at Derek's mangled body and thought on wether to hid his body or show my work to the public. Hmmm.. decisions.. decisions meh fuck it let's show this town my beautiful art work so I can get home and take a shower. As much as enjoy the feeling of blood on me it's starting to dry making my my skin hard to move. But fist I go to the end of the ally to see if anyone is around here wouldn't wan to get caught when my fun hasn't even begun. I look right and left nope it deserted then again this is the block where teenager walk to and from school but you never know anyways since no one is there it's time to show my display my artistic abilities. I grab Derek's dead crops and drag him by his feet now how and where show i put him OH! I KNOW! and it's perfect everyone passes there so it won't go unnoticed.

Finally I reached the damn statue you would think would easy since it 10 minutes from where the ally is but when your dragging 186 pounds of dead weight (no pun intended) it's pretty hard. Now I just need rope luckily there's a gardening shade just a little to the left since the statue gets clean everyone in while and I seen the contents in it and know for sure there's rope. Soon I'm in front of the shade and open the door you would think people would be smart enough to lock it since the stuff in there can get stole but of course the fucktards who run this shit are stupid enough to leave without a lock. But hey I'm not complaining it makes my job easier by not picking a lock next thing you know I'm right back out with the rope in hand and start to work.

 *Half and hour later*

Finally! As wipe a few beads of sweat of my forehead I admire my work. Derek is all tied up right against the of the towns mayor and what's it better you can see how damaged Derek's body looks all the cuts and marks on his skin his intense spilling out it was perfect. As I turn to leave I got a brilliant idea I got his intense out and wrote something on the ground to the community to say who was here.

Unkown POV

I walking around the town to search for my next victim when I see a girl by that stupid mayor's statue but that's not what caught my attention what did though was the girl's wicked smile and evil glint to her eyes. I was puzzled to why she had that look on her face so I remained in my spot to see what she would do. She took one more glance at the statue and started to walk away I was to follow her but before I could take a step she whirled back and when up and grabbed something what I could see looked like rope and started to cut it and I guess do something on the ground once she was done her hands looked like she had blood? What the hell was she was doing I was distracted to why would she have blood that when I looked back at her she was gone what the fuck?! I looked left and right she was nowhere in sight how the hell? It's like she disappeared in thin air. 

Where the fuck could she had gone? Meh.. Whatever I guess I will see what see she was smiling about as I started to get closer I smelled blood. I soon reached the statue what I saw would make anyone sick just by looking at it except for me of course since I do this by the daily bases. What I saw was some poor saps dead body if you can call it that since the way it's all mangled. I mean chunks of skin looked like it's about to fall it's barely hanging on by the a little part that's still attached by the body everywhere looked looked the same it looks like the guy was about to be skinned. What made me wonder was that the stomach was opened and pretty much empty except for a bit of  intestines still there just hanging. As I got closer I stepped on something goo-y I looked down to see what it was  when I realized it said something and it was written with the intestines it said

Ms. Madness.

I smirked a little I think I just found someone real interesting. I looked back at the dead body it's missing something I go up to the body and crave a smile to it when I'm done I wipe my blade on my white hoody. There now you look beautiful.

Done ... Not the best chapter but it's something right? Tell what you think so far I would to see how people think of my story so far :P Anyways I decided to change the title to Ms. Madness for an obvious reason like the fact that is Alice killer name is Ms. Madness.

Also I think you know who finally made an appearance ;)

P.s. that's how Alice's blade looks like>>>>>

song You're so  Creepy by: Ghost Town

Till next time my Bloody Droplings :)

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