chapter 7

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A/N : BAM!!!! I'm back I'm so sorry it took soooooo long to update. But to be honest have had complete writers block plus I was contemplating whether or not should I delete/discontinue the story but I recently been thinking if I should try to continue this story and this what I'm planning to do. But bare with me the updates will be slow since I decided to do this now that I'm in my senior year and have a major project that will make or break if graduate or not soo there's that but  if you people actually like th story please comment, vote and comment what would like to see next basically give me some ideas and I will work it in the story while adding some of my twists.....anyways on to the story....

Ben's POV

'WOW YOU GOT SOME BIG TITTS!!' I felt myself moving towards her when I feel a slap on the back of my head OW WTF?!"  I look up and see Jeff with his hand up. "Dude what the fuck you did that for  as I rubbed my head to get rid of the pain." "Oh I don't know to stop you from being a pervert and not touch her boob." 

"What? I was soooo not."  "News flash you little elf you were." I turn back to see the girl with her hands on her hips. "Anyways I guess I can say thanks for ripping Jane off me, but who the hell are you guys." "Any time babe and we ar- *thump* ow dude what the fuck?!" "Ben shut the fuck up you didn't even do anything."

Alice POV

After Jane was peeled off me I started to get up and clean the dirt off my clothes, when I was done I turn to face at the person or this case people since there was two to thank them. Only instead I was faced with this little elf boy thing with red eyes saying I have big titts and some dude with pasty skin, Chelsea smile, and no eye lids well that what it looks like, and hitting the elf boy's head.

While they were arguing I decided to intervene. "News flash you little elf you were." "Anyways now that you two are done can you tell me who the hell are you?" I'm really running low on patience with them I mean I'm not going to be a complete bitch to them since they help me but Jane really got on my nerves.

"Right I'm Jeff or formally known as Jeff the Killer and this is Ben or as people know him as Ben Drowned and you're welcome by the way," said Jeff as he cleaned his blade with his hood. "Well thanks I guess.... wait? Did you Jeff the Killer? Are you like related Jane or marri-" " WHAT?!" "What the fuck?!" "Don't even finish that sentence me and Jane are nothing okay nothing N-O-T-H-I-N-G got it, good." "Okay, okay then no need to get your panties in a twist, I was just saying since her name is Jane THE KILLER what do expect me to think, no need to be so over dramatic."  "Babe that's how Jeff is he can a drama queen if you knew him like I do you think it's normal behavior."  "Who the fuck are you calling drama queen?! You red-eyed stoned midget!" Jeff called out." "Hey pasty face no need to get your panties in a twist anyways thanks for helping me with that bitch but I got to til we meet again assholes ta ta for now " after I said that I basically fled the forest to make sure I get home on time to get cleaned up before uncle Bumby gets home and sees the mess of dried mud and blood on me and actually think I'm crazy.

Uncle Bumby's POV

*Sigh* I start my journey back home by taking my walk one of the benefits of living close to home I can choose to either walk or take my car to and from work. During my walk I start to think how today has been really hectic a lot teens have been greatly affected by the whole boy being gutted, lacerated and tied to the statue fiasco. Poor idiotic boy probably was caught at the wrong time. But that murder event got me thinking about having Alice killed much easier if I play my cards right and follow the pattern this killer might have I probably be able to make sure Alice steps in their path if all fails I can probably get some psycho to get the job done. 

As I got closer to home I decided to take the short cut by the woods to get faster and just be done with the day and just be at home with a nice whiskey in hand while watching some tv. While on my tread I noticed what seem to a  figure of a young woman by a tree but I wasn't sure since the figure was hidden by the shadows. All I can hear is what I presume to her to be bad mouthing someone from what hear something madness and how she was going to inflict real damage on the so called madness person. It peeked my interest so I moved closer making sure I wasn't heard or seen spying on this person made my think back on my plan on murdering Alice if anything if this woman wanted to do serious damage and have great hatred to this person then maybe I can convince them to have them take care of Alice for me instead.

Jane's POV

"Ugghhh... Who does this think this bitch is not only that but to make a mockery of me in front of my arch-nemesis Jeff The Killer and that fucking wannabe Link, Ben." Ooh when I get my hands on her see will be begging me to end her suffering. Hahaha... I can almost taste her blood on my lips from the splatter that my torture will inflict on her body a wonderful creating will it be. The bitch won't even see it coming when I actually make my move. I will just have to make sure she alone and to see if she actually becomes allies with that short pot head and the wannabe jigsaw. Well enough resting hear I better go and start heading home maybe I will run into some of the teens around here they been real paranoid since they saw that one guys tied up on the statue I will admit bitch has some creativity in her but I still hate her with a passion. 

As I was about head home someone called out. "Excuse me miss, I think something of an interest that could benefit the both of us" I heard a man say as I turned around. "Oh what that might be?" I asked." Well it will depend on your answer, how do you feel about killing?" All I could was a huge wicked smile on my face. "I'll take that a yes then. My name Dr. Angus Bumby." He said while extending his hand."

"The pleasure is all my I'm Jane The Killer."


Woooooo!!!! Finally updated after a long time to be honest it feels awesome. And again I'm sooo sory for not saying anything I'm just not the type of person that writes auother note alot so yeah.. >.> Anyways what do you guys think like,love hate PLEASE COMMENT ON WHAT YOU THINK!!!! or what you wanna see on the up and coming chapters but bare with me these update WILL be slow as I stated above the chapter.

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Song:  KIck Me by Sleeping With Sirens 

Til Next Time My Bloody Droplings (^.^)/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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