Meet Ethan and Michael

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In this story there are two guys, damaged Ethan King and irresistible Michael Young.

Ethan King is 22 years old and he suffers from depression, and abandonment issues. When he was 16 Ethan came out to his family, something he felt was his greatest accomplishment, not to his family. Not only did they reject Ethan but his parents kicked him out saying he can't come back until he's fixed, how can you fix who you are? Ethan's been on his own ever since, he's done some things he's not so proud of to survive. Ethan King is finally in a place he is ok with, he works hard and takes care of himself, he became emancipated, paid his way through college and now has a job, a job that pays for everything. But after all those years of rejection and abandonment Ethan is left broken. He believes that no one could love him, he believes he's not worth love or happiness. He was born to be alone and that's how he'll die, alone.

Michael Young has been given everything he's ever wanted since he was a child. He's turning 27 and owns a bar. Michael just figured out he might be gay and before he can tell anyone he needs help figuring out how to be gay, he's one of those people who's hand was held through everything in his life. Michael has never had to struggle for anything but this, this is confusing him. When he was in high school Michael slept with a lot of girls none of which he actually liked. What he did like were the occasional touches from his buddy Ben, they never actually did anything sexual or saw each other naked but it made him feel good when he slept in the same bed as Ben and was able to wrap his arms around Ben while they slept. Michael never thought anything was wrong with that but after a while Ben grew uncomfortable so their friendship ended, since then Michael has never done anything like that with another guy. Until a few weeks ago he got really drunk and made out with a guy valet in the parking lot of a club, Michael couldn't believe how good it felt and since then all he's done is have sex with random guys. Michael's parents are very famous and powerful people, and Michael is a rich boy confused about everything that's ever happened in his life.

Both Ethan and Michael have never met, but when they both get in trouble they're going to have to either help each other out or face the consequences of their actions.

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