Chapter seven

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It was starting to happen for Michael, Ethan's innocent, quiet life was working for Michael. Now I'm not saying Michael is falling for him but how many of you think Michael actually feels something? Let's see how Ethan feels

Ethan's P.O.V

He shuts the door behind him and I let a breath go, why was I even holding my breath? He was so close that I couldn't breathe "did you see how close he was standing to me Levi?" I ask as I walk in to living room to Levi laying on the couch just staring at me "this is going to be harder than I thought."

After a painting session to get my mind off of the awkwardness between Michael and I, I get ready for bed. As I'm laying there on my computer flipping through pictures I recently took my phone rings. I look at the screen in confusion, Michael is calling me! He does he even have my number? I think about not answering but that's just be rude if I didn't "hello" so I answer

"Hi Ethan"

"Hi?" I reply in the form of a question

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything"

"Nope not at all, what's going on?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for dinner"

"Wasn't anything special but you're welcome"

He laughs "I mean I know but it was nice anyway, no one cooks for me or invites me to dinner so I appreciated it"

"Anytime" I smile

After a long awkward pause "can I ask you something Ethan?"

Within reason "yeah sure"

"Why'd you move here from Ohio?" I hate talking about this

"I don't really-"

"Oh right sensitive topic, sorry. I'll let you go to bed, because I know only you would be in bed by 9 pm"

"Are you making fun of me?"

I can hear him laughing "no not at all" he replies sarcastically making me chuckle a little.

I thought about not telling him about my life but if I'm ever going to help him he has to know the struggle I went through "I left Ohio because when I was 16 I came out and I was kicked out"

"Kicked out?" His voice gets serious

"My family disowned me and I was kicked out to fend for myself"

"At 16?"


"That's such bullshit, like seriously who does that?"

"They did, I struggled for a while and after years of trying to make it I'm finally ok"

"Is that why that picture of your brother is so important?"

"Yeah it's the only thing I have, when I was kicked out Nico was away at college but when he finally found out what my parents did he looked for me. He found me on my 20th birthday and begged me to come back, but I couldn't. So now we just talk and once in a while I get to see him"

"That really sucks Ethan"

"Yeah I know. But I'm at peace with it all now" not sure any of that is true. Being abandoned by the two people who are supposed to love you the most in this world can really take its toll on you, I went through so many phases in my life feeling lonely, unwanted and being with guys who'd just leave the next day never helped either. So now because of it all I battle depression everyday and I keep everyone I know at arms length because they're just going to leave at some point anyway. 

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