Chapter five

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2 days later

Ethan's P.O.V

I hear the faint sound of Levi barking at the foot of my bed, he still refuses to get on, how did Michael get him on the bed? I slowly wake up "Levi what is it?" I ask raising my head to look at him, when he finally gets my attention he stops barking and I hear the doorbell ringing "is someone at the door buddy?" I ask sitting up, he barks "what would I do without you huh?" getting up I rush downstairs as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I wonder who could be here this early in the morning. Walking up to the door I swing it open "Mrs. Young?!" I ask gasping in shock.

Removing her sunglasses "Hello Mr. King" I stand there still wondering what Cecily Young could be doing at my front door "can I come in?" she asks and I quietly step aside and she walks in.

"Mrs. Young what are you doing here?" I ask shutting the door "you said-"

"I know what I said" standing still she holds on tight to her things as if someone is going to run up to her and robber her "would you go put a shirt on so we can chat for a bit"

Reluctantly I reply "u-uh yeah sure" walking back upstairs I quickly throw a shirt on "keep it together Ethan! Don't let that very intimidating lady down there get to you" I give myself a little pep talk before heading back down. "I did just like you asked" I walk down the stairs saying "I stayed away from your family"

"Would you like to ask me again why I'm here Mr. King?" To end my life

I hope she can't tell that she's scaring every bone in my body "why are you here Mrs. Young?"

She comes closer to me as I try to stand as far away as possible "I'm here because of Michael" Michael?

"What about Michael?"

"Michael is about to lose everything and as his mother I am worried about him. I told him and myself that I would not help him this time but it'll eat me up inside if I just sit back and not help" I wonder why she's telling me all of this "Michael is a good guy, he just doesn't know how to be..." she stops

"Gay?" I ask trying to finish her sentence

"More or less. Michael is a mess, he needs help. You Ethan King seems like someone who has it all together" on the contrary I am a mess too

"I'm sorry about Michael I really am but I don't know what any of this has to do with me"

"Michael needs you"


"Let me rephrase that, I need you to teach Michael how to be gay"

"With all due respect Mrs. Young that's not something you can teach, Michael has to figure out on his own"

"He won't figure it out, he never will. So back to my original statement, Michael needs you" I'm afraid to say no, I want to say no because these people have obviously lost their minds if they think I can teach Michael how to be gay "I can see that you are skeptical"

"I don't think I can help him"

"But you can and you will"

"Excuse me?"

"Mr. King you seem to have forgotten what you did" I haven't forgotten trust me, I have nightmares of that night "either you help Michael or you deal with me, which sounds worst?" it's a 50/50


"And before you say anything Mr. King, think"

Say no! I can say no right? "I'll do it" THAT'S NOT NO!

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