Chapter one

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Before we hear from Ethan let's learn a little bit more about him. He is a photographer for a website, he takes pictures of hot models and or musicians, basically anyone who's hot at the moment and the writers wants to write an article about them. Ethan lives a very simple life, he wakes up at 6 am every morning, works out for an hour, then gets ready for work. When Ethan isn't taking pictures of very attractive people he's at home painting, reading or binge watching the latest show on Netflix, or talking to his puppy Levi. Ethan doesn't have any friends so the only time he goes out for fun is work. And the last time Ethan was with a guy was almost 3 years ago. You and I see a problem with that but Ethan doesn't, his abandonment issues helps him believe it's better to be alone.

Alright now this is Ethan at work he is taking pictures of a really hot model Bryce Hogan, and Bryce has been hitting on Ethan the whole shoot but poor Ethan is so clueless he doesn't realize.

Ethan's P.O.V

"Nina can you fix his hair?" I ask the hairstylist as model Bryce Hogan and I stand there

"How much more are you going to take?" Bryce asks

"We're almost done" picking my camera back up I say "alright Nina we're good thanks" she walks away and Bryce poses. "And that's it" I drop my camera smiling at Bryce and he smiles back "want to see the pictures?"

"Yeah!" we walk to the computer screen and I sit on the chair while Bryce hovers over my shoulder "I like these" he smiles looking down at me, our faces are really close

"Yeah me too" I scroll down "these are perfect." After looking at the pictures I pack up to leave

"So what's next?" Bryce asks as he changes right in front of me

"Umm I sent the pictures to editing so after that they should be up by tomorrow afternoon"

"Awesome." Picking up my camera bags and my tripod I leave. Heading to the parking lot to my car "hey wait up!" I hear Bryce's voice behind me and when I turn around he was running towards me so I stop and wait for him. "I wanted to ask you something but you rushed out of there before I could" we walk together

"What's that?"

"I was wondering if you didn't have any other shoots today if you'd want to I don't know maybe grab a drink later?" my eyebrows raise questionably, is he asking me out? He stares at me smiling waiting for my answer

"That's nice of you Bryce but-"

"no" he finishes for me

"I'm sorry but I don't go out and grab drinks"

"Well what do you do?"

I think before I reply "how about I just say no, but thank you for asking" I try and be as nice as I can, I rush away before he could say anything. Getting in my car I pull away not looking at his direction. I did him a favor he won't want to be with me, I'm not fun to be around I hear that all the time and plus he'd just leave after he got what he wanted, just like the rest he'll just leave. I get home and the first thing to greet me is my puppy "hey Levi" he jumps on my legs as I drop my bags near the front door "I missed you buddy" I pick him up and he licks my face "come on let's go get something to eat." I carry him into the kitchen and I put him down, taking my phone out of my pocket I place it on the peninsula and I pick up the dog food bag pouring some food into Levi's bowl.

As he eats I heat myself up some leftover Chinese food "what should we do tonight Levi?" I look down at him as he eats "season 2 of Prison Break it is" grabbing my food I head to the living room. Levi and I sit on the couch watching tv when I hear my phone ring in the kitchen, rushing to the kitchen "hello" I answer the phone with a mouth full of noodles

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