Chapter thirteen

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Aww they're growing so close to each other.

Ethan's P.O.V

Does anything hurt more than a hangover? Why did I agree to beers? It's like I can never say no to him. I can't remember what happened last night but I'm sure once he tells me it'll be worst than the scenario I've got going on in my head. We get to a diner "can I get you gentlemen some coffee?"

"Yes please!" I answer too quickly, she smiles and pours.

Michael and I sit across from each other "so do you remember anything about last night?" His sneaky smile is telling me I'm probably not going to like what he's about to say

"Not one thing"

"Ok don't freak out" I'm already freaking out

"Too late"

"You tried to have sex with me last night" I face palm

"Oh my god! What's wrong with me?!" I sink in the booth seat

"And you confessed your love for me" he laughs


"Ok maybe it didn't happen exactly like that but you told me you liked me"

"Of course I did"

"Does that mean you don't?"

"No I- I mean I-" I stutter

"Ready to order?" Saved by the waitress

"Yes! Can I get the banana pancakes please" Michael smiles at her and hands her his menu

"Coming right up handsome" she turns to me "what can I get you sweetie?"

"Umm waffles please" she takes my menu too and walks away "I'm never drinking again"

"You never drank before"

"Now you see why."

As we're having our breakfast his phone vibrates "yeah?" He answers and listens, I continue to eat trying to mind my business "wait that doesn't happen till next week" he listens some more "what do you mean they won't let you in? Who's there? ... The bank! What are they doing there?" His face expression changes from calm to anger "ok I'm on my way!" He hangs up "come on we have to go" he throws some cash on the table and I follow as he rushes to the car

"What's happening?" We get in and he slams the car door

"My father! That's what's happening" I really hope we're not going back to his parents house, I can't be seen in this suit again specially when it looks like Michael and I spent the night together.

20 minute drive and we finally get to the place, he quickly parks, the most horrible parking job I've ever seen might I add and he rushes out leaving me behind. I get out of the car and he stands in front of what looks like a bar with a couple of guys yelling. I think we're at his bar

I walk up to them "this doesn't make any sense the bar is under my name!" He reads some papers

"Doesn't matter the payments were coming from your father's private account which technically makes it his bar" his father is taking everything he owns

"Then switch it back to my name and I'll make the payments!" He throws the papers at the guy in the suit

"It does not work that way Mr. Young, you'll have to get your father to sign the bar over to you" which he probably won't do "as of today the bar belongs to him"

Michael balls up his fists, he's going to hit that guy. He charges for him but I quickly get in the middle "stop!" I stand in front of the guy facing Michael

"Get out of this Ethan" his eyes burn red with anger "this isn't your problem"

"Yeah it may not be but hitting him isn't going to get your bar back is it?" Of course I have to play the voice of reason

"I don't care!" He tries to go through me

"Sir please leave" I turn to the guy in the suit

"He needs to sign these papers" he hands me papers and quickly walks away.

Michael walks away angry ready to punch anything that gets in his way "who are you?" A man asks

"Ethan, I'm Michael's friend Ethan. You?"

"James, I work here" we shake hands "here I can take those" I hand him the papers

"I'll go talk to him." I walk back to the car where Michael is leaning against it covering his face "I'm so sorry Michael"

"This isn't happening!" He paces back and forth running his fingers through his hair "I underestimated him I did" he chuckles in disbelief "he's not taking everything!" He goes over to the driver side about to get in the car

"Where are you going?" I rush over shutting the door before he gets in

"His office to give him a piece of my mind!" He tries to open the car door again but I block it

"How effective is that? When he does something and you go yell at him, how does it work in your favor?" I ask but he doesn't reply so I reply for him "it doesn't does it? When you yell at him it just pisses him off more, do you see that?"

"What else is there to do then? He won't take a fucking hint!"

"Let it go" I say to him and his eyes fixate to mines "if you let him go and just live your life it'll show him you're capable of more than just fighting with him"

"Easier said than done Ethan"

"True but once it's done you'll feel so much better. When I got kicked out I didn't yell or fight, I just left because I believed if they said it once they'll say it again. I wanted them to come to me you know why? I didn't want to get rejected twice" he lets go of the car door

"What do I do?"

"I don't know" I smile and he faintly smiles back "we'll figure it out though" I look down at his hand and I grab it and he locks his fingers into mine "together." I want to help him, for real this time not just because his mother is forcing me to. He comes in to kiss me and I fully prepare myself for it but he stops

I look at him trying to figure out why he stopped "sorry, James is over there waiting for me and I don't know what I'm going to tell him"

"Just go tell him the truth" I let go of his hand "I'm sure he'll understand" he shakes his head and walks away. I stand there and wait for him.

Is it bad that I want to take care of him? I want to help him, and I even kind of want to be with him. Oh gosh what am I saying? That's Michael freaking Young! I don't have a chance with him. After talking to James he comes back "come on I'll take you home." That's it. He drops me home and doesn't even walk me in

"I'll see you ok?" We sit in the car

"Ok" I get out and before I could even walk away he drives off. Am I crazy or did his whole mood change? From wanting to kiss me to not even bothering to walk me inside. This is why I don't try, I can't handle getting hurt. I walk into my apartment dropping my keys, Levi runs up to me and I sit on the floor cuddling him "you'd never leave me right Levi?" He licks my face "I know you wouldn't." After feeding Levi and taking a much deserved shower I crash on the couch drowning myself in Netflix and the biggest bowl of cocoa puffs, this is where I'm my happiest.

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