Chapter two

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Okay now that we've met Ethan let's learn some more about Michael. Michael Young has never worked a day in his life, he should be working but he pays people to do that for him. His life up until a few days ago consisted of nothing but alcohol, drugs, and cheap women. He went to parties every night and when he's not going to a party he's throwing one. You can't help but love Michael, I mean he is a hot mess but his good looks and money makes up for it. A week ago Michael went to his parents and told them he might be gay, they weren't mad at the fact that their only child is gay they were mad because they knew he wouldn't be able to handle it. Michael has been getting into a lot of trouble around the city, drinking and wrecking havoc soiling his families name.

Now we've rewind a little bit, we learned what Ethan did the day before the party where they met now lets see what Michael was up to.

Michael's P.O.V

"Have you checked twitter for the past few hours you're freaking trending" my assistant Ava burst into my room like always "some how you always manage to fuck up all on your own" I hear her walk to the windows opening the curtains, I keep my eyes shut too hung over to open them "your mom is on her way over" she stops moving

I quickly sit up "right now!"

"Yes she called me and told me she's coming so I rushed over here, thank god I made it before her. She's pissed!" I stand up walking to my bathroom. Of course my mom is pissed and now she's going to come over here to give me a mouth full and I don't want to hear it. Quickly brushing my teeth and washing my face I get dressed to leave "hey hey! you're not leaving Mike she's practically outside" Ava walks behind me

"Watch me" I grab my keep and open my front door, I didn't even make it to my car yet and my mom's car pulls into the drive way "shit!"

The backseat window rolls down and she says "Michael Alexander Young have you lost your mind?"

"Hi mom" I turn to face her as she get's out of the car

"Michael why am I hearing from my publicist that you got arrested last night?"

"I didn't get arrested I was questioned then they let me go" I walk back inside and she follows behind me

"Does it even matter?" she moves from behind me and stands in front of me "your father and I have the restaurant opening tomorrow we can't afford bad press ok? I know you're going through something but you can't keep getting in trouble, when you do something wrong it makes your father and I look bad"

"I'll take care of it" I walk around her

"No you won't Michael and I'm tired of you saying that, you can't keep doing this" her tone changes "your father and I think you need to change"

"And if I don't want to change?"

"Then I can't stop your father from doing what he wants" she moves closer "I always stand up for you Michael but this time I'm done, either you fix this or your father will cut you off. Permanently"

"Dad can't cut me off" I chuckle

"He can Michael and he will. You're turning 27 in a few days you shouldn't even be depending on us so much but we never mind it until now, so it's either you change your ways or you're cut off" she turns away from me and walks around "now where's Ava I know she's here" my mom looks around

"Hi Mrs. Young" Ava exits my room waving at my mom nervously

"Ava make sure he doesn't get in any trouble today and that he is clean and shaven for tomorrow night"

"Yes ma'am." Without saying another word my mom leaves.

"Cut off!" I let out "they'll cut me off? Like hell that'll ever happen" I turn to Ava "where's my phone?" she shrugs "find it!" I walk away heading to my bed. My dad doesn't scare me, I dare him to cut me off.

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