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Harry felt as if he had fallen asleep the first night at the Dursley's and woken up on September first.
Ginny woke him with a soft kiss before brandishing the wand she had stolen from Sirius spice she was still underage and shot a stream of water that hit Ron square in the face.
'ARGHH!' Ron screamed like he was being killed and shot up in bed.
'Ginny what was that for!' He cried, outraged
'your gonna b late for the train Harry so you better hurry,' Ginny dodged Ron's question and slipped out of the room to get food.
As it transpired, having Lily Potter there on a school morning seemed to make everyone go faster and for once the Weasley's weren't late, as per usual.
Harry felt immensely sad at the thought of leaving the parents he had only just gotten to know. The last month had been fun.
His hurt seemed to register to Lily and she hugged him, promising to write every week and that she would only send a howler if he was really bad, like James level bad.
Ron chuckled at this, 'I guess we can expect a letter in the first couple of weeks then'
Everyone laughed, even lily who tried to stay serious but failed, knowing what kind of mischief Harry and his friends got up to.
After one final hug, the group boarded the train and set off for Hogwarts.
As the train left, James yelled, 'AND REMEMBER, BROOM CLOSETS HAVE ONLY ONE PURPOSE!' Before being hit on the arm by Lily.

Harry Potter's parents returnWhere stories live. Discover now