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Chapter 9

My eyes were glued to Kayden the next day as I sat in second period, and the memory of yesterday, when I was talking with Miss Maxwell and she told me the surprising news, suddenly popped into my mind:

“Kayden’s bipolar.”

My eyes widened. “Bipolar?” I echoed.

Miss Maxwell nodded.

“Shouldn’t he take medication for that?” I asked.

“Yes, he should. But his medication makes him… depressed, I guess you could say. He’s been doing just fine lately, but the other day he just stopped taking it. He said that his thoughts get really bad. He starts to think things that he shouldn’t think of. Yeah… So I guess we’re just going to have to find some other kind of medication for him to take.” She sighed.

I looked down. “I’m sorry,” I blurted and looked back up.

“What for, Sweetheart?” She cocked her head as confusion lit her eyes.

“I barely know you two and I’m asking personal question. I’m just—I thought he was mad at me and I began to panic earlier. I hate it when people are mad at me; it’s a dreadful feeling. I shouldn’t have asked, I know. But I really wanted to know. I was extremely curious. And I—I’m sorry.” I sighed and looked the other way.

“No, no—it’s fine. I mean, yes, I barely know you—but Kayden knows you pretty well. Right? You said that he helped you the other day… To me that sounds like friendship developing. At his old school he didn’t have many friends. The ones he did have were all… trouble. He got into some bad stuff, but you can tell he regrets it. He’s not all to blame for his mistakes—neither are the people he used to hang-out with. I was a part of it, but that’s another story. What I’m trying to say is, I think you two can be friends—good friends. Don’t give up on him, okay? Squeeze your way into his life and you will find all of his pros and cons—not to mention the stuff he’s been through. He’s a good kid—just had a rough past. So… please don’t give up in him, Elyse. Promise me that—that you won’t give up on him.” Her eyes were wide as they looked at me.

I studied her face for second and then sighed. “Okay,” I said. “I promise.”

And I would. I would do whatever it took to become friends with Kayden. Not only because his mother asked me to—or because I felt bad for him—but because I wanted to.

I blinked my eyes furiously as I swam out of the memory of yesterday. My eyes were still glued to Kayden. And I noticed that he, too, was looking at me; a strange glint in his irises. Though once his eyes met mine, he looked away and proceeded to read The Scarlet Letter.

I sighed.

How was I going to squeeze my way into Kayden’s life? How was I going to become friends with him? How was I going to talk to him again? How was I going to get him to talk to me again? And like every other question that pops into my mind, I couldn’t answer. Not even one.


“Hey,” I said to Kayden as I finally matched his pace.

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