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This might be a very bad chapter because I'm using my phone. Soo..... yeah.....

Amber's POV

I woke up again. A new place....yet familiar. OH NO! WAS IT ALL A DREAM?!?!?!
I started crying. Sobbing. Screaming.
"THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!! IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN A DREAM!!!!!! IT ISN'T FAIR!!!!!!", I yelled. I cried harder because I was in so much pain and depression. I couldn't think. I couldn't feel anything. My whole body was numb. I heard lightining, an explosion, and a chime sound all at the same time.
I opened my eyes. I saw Ianite crying, Mianite shocked, and Dianite very confused.
Dia rushed to my side immedietly and hugged me.
"Shhh...... It's alright. It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here." He said. That seemed to calm me and I stopped yelling. I just cuddled him and silently cried.
"Good. Now why were you screaming and crying?" Dia asked me.
I couldn't respond. Litrally. I was so numb that I couldn't talk. I tried so hard to talk but nothing came out.
(Why can't I talk?) I thought.
"It is because you are sad." Dia said.
(Woah! You can here my thoughts?!?!) I thought again.
"Yes. We all can." Mianite replied.
(THAT IS SO COOL!!!) I thought again.
"A little quieter please." Ianite asked.
(She is no fun!) I thought.
"I AM TOO FUN!!!" She yelled.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I laughed. Wait.... I LAUGHED!!!!!!
"A-A-ARE N-NOT!!!!" I exclaimed!
"HEY! I'M NOT THE ONE CRYING!!!!" She yelled back.
"I WAS CRYING IN PAIN!!!!" I shot back.
"SURE YOU WERE!!!!" She screamed at me.
"WELL AT LEAST I DIDN'T LEAVE MY ONLY SISTER WHEN SHE NEEDED ME MOST!!!!" I yelled at her then ran out of the room. I ran and ran. I've been running a lot recently. I ran until I saw a giant beautiful tree. I slowed to a walking pace. I walked up to the tree. There was no door so I just went in. I saw some people flying around. They were...building? I stopped and watched them.
A few minuites later one of them finally noticed me. He stopped and stared at me. I stared back at him. We stayed like that for a few minuites. Then, one of the other ones seemed to have noticed. He nudged the rest of his friends and they all stared at us. Me and the first guy were still staring at each other. I thought that we were having a staring contest so I just continued to stare at him.
Finally he blinked.
"YESS!!!!! I WIN!!!" I yelled.
"What?" He replied.
"I win!" I said again.
"Win what exactly?" He asked. He sounded kinda like the first guy I met. They both have a Brittish accent.
"We wern't having a staring contest, were we?" I asked.
"What? No." He replied.
"Oh.... You're no fun. Bye!" I yelled as I took off running.

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