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It's been months. I've been living in Dine At Night. I've met the pirates. They seem nice. I told them not to give away my position. I've met Furia. He isn't the niceist. I told him not to give away my position, also. Even though he is evil, I don't think he will tell them where I am. It would make them happy. He hates it when they are happy. I've seen the improvements the people have made. The colosium. Jerry's Tree 2.0. Nadeshot's castle. I've met the wizards. They offered to give me a home for free. I declined. The wizards and I keep in touch. I've taking a liking to the one known as Waglington. I call him Wag or Waggles. He's cute. I haven't seen anyone in about a week. I don't mind though. I like the peace and qui-

"SPARKLEZ! HURRY UP!", Someone said.


"Well, I'm trying to wait on Tucker and Sonja. She didn't want to come in case it was a lie.", Jordan said.

I ran over to my trapdoor. I opened it, climbed inside, put a block on top, closed the trapdoor, and went down into my home.

"Sooonnjjj. Come onnn.", Tucjer cried.

"I swear, if this is a lie. If Wag lied to us. Then, I will slay him.", Sonja said.


"Wait just a minute! Why is there a piece of dirt in the desert?", Tom said.

CRAP! I used the wrong block!

"Well, break it!", Tucker comanded. I heard the block break. Quickly, I chugged a potion of invis.

"A trapdoor?", Sparklez said confused.

"Down we go.", Sonja stated.

"AMBER!", Sonja yelled as she ran to me and hugged me.

"How do you see me? I drank an.... a potion of swiftness.... Dang it.", I said. I drank the wrong potion.

"Where were you?!?", Sonja asked me. The guys just had their mouths hanging open.

"Here.", I stated simply.

I started coughing a lot and fell to the floor.

"AMBER!", They all yelled. Sonja hugged me crying.

"What's wrong? What is happening?", Sparklez paniced.

"I'm... Nevermind.", I said.

Dianite teleported in.

"Amber...", He breathed out. He ran up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry.", He cried on my shoulder.

"Dianite? What is happening to her?", Tom asked.

"She... She's dying.", He said.

"WHAT?!?!?", Everyone paniced.

"Everyone hold hands.", Dia told them. They all started holding hands, including me.

"Close your eyes.", He told us.
We did.

We heard a "whoosh" sound. I opened my eyes. We were in the end. On Ianite's island. Dianite, Miante and Ianite stood beside us.

"Open your eyes.", Mianite said.

The others did.

"In a moment, you will have to jump into the void. To save Amber and the world.", Ianite said.

Ianite went to Sparklez, Dianite went to Tom, and Mianite went to Tucker and Sonja. They said their "goodbye"s. Then, the three gods walked over to me.

"You have to jump. You will have a new life in the void. The others don't know this. You, in that world, will be known as Martha. You will be the daughter of Ianite and the sister of Helgrind. You will know everything you need to know when you get there.", Mianite said.

"Just know that we will miss you dearly.", Ianite said.

"We love you. Now, get ready to jump.", Dianite said.

I walked over to my group.

"Ready?", I asked. They nodded. We were holding hands.

"3", Tom started.

"2", Tucker continued.

"1", Sparklez finished.

"Jump.", Sonja commanded.

We jumped.

"Goodbye.", I said as I let go of their hands.

##--~~** The End **~~--##

What a World: A Mianite FanficWhere stories live. Discover now