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Amber's POV

I walked to Dec's house. I needed answers but if I went to my siblings I would just get mad. So I went to Declan.
"DEECCC!!!! IZ U HERE????" I yelled for him.
"Yes. I am here malady." He replied comibg down stairs.
"Plz no." I said.
"What?" He said confuzzled.
"I don't want to be called that. Call me Amber or Princess." I replied.
"Oh. I'm sorry ma- I mean Amber. So! You needed me?" He asked.
"Hmm? OH YES!!! I need answers." I stated. "I would ask Dia but.... let's just say I'm not talking to ANY of my siblings right now." I said putting emphasis on "any of my siblings".
"Oh dear. What happened?" He asked me worriedly.
"I-i-i....." That was all I got out before I broke down crying in Dec's arms. He got me to calm down. Then I did somthing so stupid..
"DECLAN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND! THEY LEFT MEEE!!!!!!" I yelled in frustration.
"WHAT?!?" He practically screamed back. "WHAT DID THEY DO?!?" He is furious.
"I-i-i h-had a f-fl-flash-b-back. I-i-i saw m-me c-cry-crying a-and t-th-they didn't c-care! I SAW IANITE YELLING AT ME, MIANITE LAUGHING AT ME, AND DIANITE WAS SCREAMING WORDS OF HATRED AT ME!!!! IT WAS...horrible." I explained everything to him. I looked up at him and his face softened.
(He was there too, wasn't he....) I thought. I realized that he was. He had been behind Mianite pointing and laughing at me.
I shook my head. I took off running again.
(Maybe I should join cross country or track or somthing.) I joked with myself.
I saw a red shack in the distance and made my way to it. I knocked on the door and it was opened by....

CLIFFHANGER! Sorry! I got bored and wrote this chapter. Any ideas about the flashback? Any theories? I am thinking about doing a Q'n'A so comment down some questions. Also, if you want a book to be updated, please request it. I do not have time for adding things to my schedule right now but I somtimes have some freetime to update. Like right now. The only book you are NOT allowed to request is Adopted by Superfruit. And please remember that I am writing this on my phone. My phone does not have auto correct so if somthing is wrong just politely tell me. This may not be the best chapter but a chapter is a chapter.

Until Next Time,

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