Chapter 4

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The next few weeks were crazy, but they were worth it. I have made it pretty far through the X-Factor. Tonight I would find out if I made it through to the next round. I was pretty nervous because there were a lot of other acts that I thought had a better chance of winning it than I did. I was being vey paranoid. I had become pretty close with some of the acts as well and I wouldn't want to see them go either. Espeacially the four other boys my age, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn. They became some of my really good friends.  

I was driving to the stadium from my hotel room, nervous out of my mind. The only thing that was keeping me from turning right around and not even showing up, was Gracey. If it wasn't for her I wouln't even be doing this. She was still on my mind, and I haven't heard any news on her yet. It has been a couple months now since the accident. I have no idea how I have survived this long without her. It's getting to a point where it feels like she never existed, but for some reason is always in my head. But I promised to give space for as long as her and her parents needed it, and that was what I was going to do. While all of this thinking was going on, I almost passed the stadium. But I quickly turned into the parking lot and found a spot. Securtity gaurds came out and ushered me inside. They led me to the stylists so that they could get me ready for the show. About 45 minutes later I was ready. Tonight was just the results show, so I wasn't preforming, but I was still wicked nervous. And there wasn't even an audience tonight. But it was still amazingly nerve-wracking. The girls category was called first. They all walked on stage and then about 15 minutes later some came back crying. I comforted them by hugging them. Some of them I had become espeacially close with. It was heart-wrenching to see them go. 

The boys category was called and all of the boy acts walked out on stage, including me. We stood on stage as the judges talked to us. Then they started reading off the names of the acts that went through. They names kept being called, but mine wasn't one of them. Neither were the other four boys.

"The last act to go through is................." Simon Cowell said. We waited and waited for the name. It was announced, and it wasn't mine. I just stood there, tears welling up in my eyes. I wanted to make it through so badly.

"That's it guys, I'm sorry." Simon said finally.  I dropped my head and walked off stage with all of the other rejected acts. When I walked back off of the stage a camera was in my face. The camera man asked me how I felt.

"I just don't want to go home, just don't wanna go home." I said. Then I walked away, wiping tears from my eyes. I went over to the rest of the other people who just got eliminated. We would be leaving soon. I hugged the four boys who had come to be some of my best friends. Then one of the hosts came over to the group.

"The judges would like to see nine of you. I'm going to call off your names." he said. He started calling off the names. Mine was called. I walked over to the other group of people who had been called. It was me and the four other boys, and then four other girls.

"Okay, follow me." he said. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I hoped it was something good. He led us to the stage and we walked on.

"Hello. Thank you for coming back." said Nicole, one of the judges. " I can tell from the looks on some of your faces that this is very hard." she said. We were all very confused as to why we were even still here. "We've thought long and hard about it, as you being individuals, and we feel that you are way to talented to let go of." The nine of us looked at each other with confused expressions on our faces. "We though it would be a great idea to have two separate groups." Nicole said.

"We've decided to put you both through." Simon said. Right then I was freaking out, same with everyone else. We were jumping up and down and freaking out. It was the best feeling I had in my life! Honestly, I wasn't expecting this!! We continued freaking out until Simon finally settled us down.

"Guys, girls! Listen, this is a lifeline. You need to work 10, 12, 14 hours a day. You have a real shot here." he said. We all nodded in understanding and then continued celebrating as we walked off the stage, thanking the judges as we went. This was by far the best feeling I have had in years! Once we got off the stage we were swarmed by the cameras backstage. They asked us how we felt. 

"It was like.....the worst feeling, to the best feeling." Harry said simply gesturing with his hands. We all nodded in agreement. In that moment I realized that I was going to be in a band with these four other boys. I was going to be getting a lot closer with them now.

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