Chapter 14

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Liam's P.O.V.-

The show had started. The hosts walked out on the stage and introduced the show like they always do. They called all of the acts onto the stage, and said our names as we came on. I walked onto the stage with the rest of the boys, waving and putting on my best smile. The boys did the same. We stood there for about 2 minutes while the hosts talked about what was gonna happen tonight. Then we went to commercial and went off stage.

Grace's P.O.V.-

The show started, and the hosts came out. They talked and then had the acts come on stage. The first few acts walked on, and then I saw Liam's group. They all waked on smiling and waving to the crowd. I looked at Liam, and watched him smile, and laugh. That smile seemed to familiar to me. Just like the kiss had felt. I continued watching as the hosts kept talking. Then it went to commercial.

Liam's P.O.V.-

The commercials ended and we were back on air. They called out the first act to perform. They did really well, I have to say. I just hope that we will do better. The next act went out. We were next. They performed and did really good to. Luckily, we didn't go out to perform right after because they had a commercial break. I congratulated the acts that had just performed and told them they did a really good job. My nerves were really getting to me, but I knew once I got into it, I would do amazing. Shortly after, the commercial break ended. We went back on air, and we were announced to perform.

"Now, introducing the five boys who have stolen our hearts......One Direction!" the host said. We all walked on stage. I grasped my microphone so hard,  thought it was gonna break into pieces. My hands were sweating, and I'm pretty sure they were shaking too. The stage lights went out as we got to our places.

"You guys ready?" I heard Zayn whisper.

"Let's do this." I said with some confidence. Then the bright stage lights went on, and Your Song began to play. I had first solo. And here it was.

Grace's P.O.V.-

The boys were next to perform. I remember Liam telling me when they were performing. The commercial ended and the show came back. The hosts announced them, and the lights went out. I could see figures walking on the stage, and I'm guessing they were the boys. The lights went back on, and the five of them were standing there. I found Liam in the middle. The song started playing, and Liam was about to sing. And then he did. His voice hit me like a tidal wave. It was beautiful. So beautiful, that I didn't even know how to react or why I thought it was so beautiful. I kept my eyes on the screen as each one of them did their solo. My eyes were glued to the screen for their whole performance. Soon it ended, and I saw Liam smile that smile I have come to know. I could tell he was happy with their performance. The judges said their comments, and all were pretty decent. They walked off stage and it went to another commercial.

Liam's P.O.V.-

Our performance ended sooner than I thought. I thought it was gonna feel never ending, but it didn't. I smiled wide when the song ended because I was so happy about our performance. We actually did a really good job. The judges gave us their comments, and they were all good, so we walked off stage. Once we got off stage they called commercial, and we celebrated back stage. We all hugged each other, laughing and talking about how excited we were. I had never felt so proud of myself, and the boys. It was such a great feeling. But then I realized that we could still get eliminated depending on the last performances. I had my fingers crossed that we wouldn't. I just thought of Grace. I thought about what it would mean to her if we won. especially since she's the reason I did this in the first place. I'm sure she would be happy anyway even thought she doesn't remember telling me to do this.

Soon the commercial ended and the last two acts performed. There was one more commercial before the results part of the show started. The commercial ended faster than I hoped. The called out all of the acts one by one as we all walked out onto the stage to hear our fate.

Grace's P.O.V.-

 The last two acts did their performances and then the results started. I was actually getting pretty nervous for the boys. I really wanted them to win, because I know how hard they have worked, and they really deserved it. I especially wanted it for Liam. I know how happy he would be if he and the boys won. To see their reaction would be priceless. It would definitely put a smile on my face, and I definitely needed that now.

Liam's P.O.V.-

We were called onto the stage, and we walked back on as the crowds of people cheered and screamed. Finally we were all on the stage.

"Alright guys, first thing we're gonna do is announce the two acts going home right now." said the host. I was getting all tense. The boys and I had our arms around each other's shoulders, and I could feel the other boys arms tensing up to. "The first act to go home is........." he said. He announced the name of the act. It wasn't us. Thank God. The host thanked them and wished them good luck in the future. "Alright, now the second act going home right now is....." In my head I was thinking, "Please don't be us, Please don't be us." it was announced, and again it wasn't us. Yes! We made it into the top three. The act left, and then the remaining three acts, including us, were left standing on the stage. It was now or never. We either win or take second or third place. The boys and I were tensing eve more. I could tell everyone on that stage was really nervous.

"Okay, we will now announce who has taken the top two spots, and will compete head to head next week. The first act going through is................." he announced one of the other acts. He was congratulated, and left the stage. There was one more spot, and two more acts. Only one act got to take it. "The second, and final act going through tonight is............." the pause seemed like forever. The host took a deep breath and said the acts name........"Rebecca!!"

The other act was called. I didn't know what else to do but just stand there. I couldn't believe we didn't make it. After all we had been through. To make it this far, I don't know what went wrong. I was heartbroken. We went over and congratulated Rebecca and wished her good luck. The boys and I hugged, and then the host came over and talked to us. Louis pretty much summed up what our experience was like and how it changed us, and Zayn said that we were not splitting up, and it won't be last of One Direction.

Grace's P.O.V.-

I watched the results and was so happy to see that they didn't get eliminated right away. But then the didn't make it through. The look on all of the boys faces was heart wrenching. Liam looked like he was about to cry. I wanted to comfort him so bad, but at the same time, I didn't. It was all over now. They didn't win. I felt bad, I really did want them to win. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.        

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