Chapter 5

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The next few weeks were ridiculously crazy! The boys and I had become wicked close, that we were practically like brothers. Spending all of those hours with them practicing made us become closer than we could have ever imagined. It was pretty awesome. We've made it pretty far in the competition. There were only about 10 acts left, and we were one of them. To say that we were in the top 10 acts is incredible. I just wish that we can keep it going and maybe even win the X-Factor.

This whole experience was a good thing because it kept my mind off of Grace. I haven't heard anything from anyone about her condition at this point. I don't even know if she woke up from the coma yet. But I promised to give space, so that's what I'm doing.

The boys and I were sitting on the edge of the stage, taking a break during rehearsal.

"I'm hungry. Can we get some food?" Niall asked, who was always hungry.

"Yeah, how about we order pizza?" suggested Zayn.

"Sounds good. I'll call it in!! I love talking to those people in weird voices!!!" Louis exclaimed. He walked over to the side of the stage and called the pizza place. He answered the phone, using some sort of voice that sounded like someone with nasal problem. It was hilarious!! When he came back over he sat back down on the stage.

"That was brilliant!!" I said when he came back over.

"Thanks! The guy on the other line sounded so confused! Oh, we're gonna need some money." Louis said.

"I got it." I said pulling out my wallet. I opened my wallet, and a picture fell out and landed in front of Harry. He picked it up and looked at it. 

"Who's this?" Harry said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. He turned the pic around to show me. It was a picture of Grace. I stared at it for a moment, forgetting that I had it in my wallet in the first place.

"That's Grace." I said.

"Grace, hmmm?" Louis said, nudging me with his shoulder. "Does little Liam have a girlfriend?" he asked. The boys all stared at me with questioning eyes.

"Well, yeah, but it's not like that." I said. They all looked at me confused. I had a look of sadness on my face.

'What do you mean?" Niall asked.

"Well, it's a long story." I said.

'We have time, and we'll listen." Zayn said. They were all obviously eager to hear, and they were practically my brothers, so I told them the story of how we met, and the crash, and what happened to her.

'So, that's basically the story of Grace." I said holding back tears. It was hard telling them about her because it felt like I was reliving the accident. It made me realize that she really wasn't with me right now. I turned my head away from the boys as a tear fell down my cheek. " And you know the worst part?" I asked them. "Since she probably lost her memory, she might not even remember me when I see her again. I'll just be like another piece of her memory that was lost. And I don't even know if I will be able to make her remember me and the times we had together. I haven't seen her in like three months. It's just really hard loving someone who once loved you too, and then the next thing you know, they don't even remember you." I said. I looked back over at the boys. They all had a look of sympathy on their faces.

"We're so sorry Liam." Harry said.

"Yeah, but know that we will always be here for you." Niall said, patting my back.

"Thanks guys." I said, my tears dry by now.

"No problem!" Zayn said.

"GROUP HUG!!!" Louis shouted. Then all of the boys piled on top of me in a giant pig pile. It was awesome! I was glad to know that the boys cared. It was really good to have them to cheer me up. 

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