Chapter Twenty Five

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As Shadepaw was shoved into the camp, several heads popped up. The GreenClan camp was built in an underground cave with a small stream in the back. Shadepaw guessed that it had dried up, which was why the Clan had moved beside the river. But it was back now, and so were they.

Skywing padded out of the warriors den, her eyes wide. "What's going on?"

Coldstream licked his mate behind the ear. "Nothing terrible. Go find Hawkstar, there is a MudClan apprentice on our territory."

"He's out hunting." Skywing said quickly, "I'll go find him!" As the white warrior dashed away, Coldstream turned to the Clan, who was watching on with surprised looks.

"This apprentice was trespassing on our territory." He announced, "I will let Hawkstar decide what to do with him when he gets back."

So they waited. Shadepaw began to sneak towards the entrance, but Coldstream stopped him, fastening his teeth in Shadepaw's scruff. After what felt to Shadepaw like moons, Skywing returned, with the tiny GreenClan leader just behind her.

"What happened?" The leader demanded. "Who is this?"

Coldstream shoved Shadepaw forward to answer for himself. "I-I am Shadepaw of MudClan." Shadepaw stuttered, his paws trembling. "I was trespassing on your territory."

"Why?" Hawkstar's voice was terrifyingly calm. Shadepaw wondered if he had already decided his punishment.

"I-I don't know." Shadepaw lied, "I was just exploring."

"Exploring? Any cat would think you're worse than a kit. Keep him in our camp tonight, and we will return him to Stripedstar tomorrow. She will decide his punishment." Hawkstar decided. He waved his tail, signalling his deputy to come closer. After whispering something in Coldstream's ear, the GreenClan cats escorted him to a corner of the cave.

There, the shadows were so dark that even Shadepaw's white pelt was hidden. Two cats came to stand guard of their prisoner; Both cats that he didn't know. They introduced themselves as Redpool and Flowerspark, then fell silent and refused to talk to him.


After moonhigh, Shadepaw still hadn't fallen asleep. The camp was quiet except for the trickling of the stream and hushed voices of Flowerspark and Redpool.

"Do you think he'll try to escape?" Flowerspark muttered under her breath.

"No way. He's not smart enough." Redpool laughed back, glancing at Shadepaw.

He groaned and buried his head under his paws. A moment later, he heard thumping, and he looked up. Pawsteps! It sounded like a whole battle patrol. His Clan had come to save him!

He could see them now. Stripedstar was in the lead, followed by Jaytail, Spottedfeather, Minnowleap, Eagletail, Rainpaw, and Owlpaw.

Flowerspark leaped to her paws. "Intruders! MUDCLAN ATTACK!" She screeched.

Stripedstar stopped, signalling for her patrol to do the same. "We did not come to fight!" She hissed as Hawkstar raced out of his den. "We just want our apprentice back."

"Oh." Hawkstar's fur began to lay flat again, "Shadepaw. We found him trespassing on our territory, so we brought him back here. We decided that you would choose his punishment."

Stripedstar scowled. "What were you doing on GreenClan territory, Shadepaw?"

"It was my fault!" To Shadepaw's surprise, Rainpaw leaped to his defense. "I told him that StarClan sent me a dream to go to GreenClan territory."

"Why?" Spottedfeather demanded, glaring at her apprentice.

Rainpaw bowed his head in shame. "I did have a dream.." He lied, "But it wasn't from StarClan, it was just a regular dream."

"Then why did you lie to your brother?" Owlpaw asked. "I would never do that!"

Shadepaw almost rolled his eyes. Why did Owlpaw always have to be such a leader's pet? Didn't he ever break the rules?

"I'm sorry.." Rainpaw said quietly. Shadepaw silently thanked his brother for saving him from more punishment.

"Let's go back to camp." Stripedstar decided. "You will both be punished. Especially you, Rainpaw, for lying to a Clanmate about StarClan."

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